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*Stacy's POV*

        "Part of me doesn't wanna watch it" I say. "And part of me is dying to". Joey nods at me. He stays silent, not giving any imput. "If I don't watch it, I'm sure I'm getting loads of tweets about it right now.". Joey holds his head with his hand and exhales. "Okay...watch it...but remember, whatever she says means nothing, okay?". I nod, he kisses me on my forhead. I pull the video up on my phone and Joey comes in close to watch it with me. We go silent as it buffers.

"Hello, burrys. Today I'm here to talk about the youtuber known as stacyplays. Now, just to start off, she is..good lord...She has been quite a recent issue with me. So, we all know how Joey Graceffa and Stacy are dating, right? Well, lets just say, that was gonna be me....Joey, he liked me, he liked me alot. And so did I. As I was building up the courage to ask Joey out on a date, then swoops in Stacy. I go to tell her my plan, and how I like Joey, then the unexpected came out of her mouth...She liked Joey too. She wasn't happy to hear of my idea of asking him out, so she ignored me to take matters into her own hands.  She said things to me to make me feel like I wasn't good enough for him, but I knew I was. Then, she put on this act, this act of shyness, fear and sadness. It basicly made Joey pity her. It made him forget about me, putting her as his main priority. She tricked him, messed with his mind, messed with true love. After that, I was too scared to talk to eaither of them.  Now, here I am, confessing my sadness. I miss Joey so much.....I just, needed to get that off my chest....Well, I hope you support me and all of what I've been though. I love you guys....Bye,,,"

         I turn to Joey; he's just as wide-mouthed as I am. "That little bitch...." Joey says. I take a deep breath, I'm not saying anything. Joey looks at me worrily. "I'm fine" I say, not lying to him. "It's all lies, I'm sure not EVERYONE will believe her.". I say. "You're taking this pretty well" Joey says. I'm used to it now, it's not much of a surprise anymore. It still upsets me a bit, of course, but it is not as bad anymore. "Well, are we gonna do anyth9ign about it? We can't just have this out there without talking about it." He says. "Oh, I have a few things in mind..." I respond, smirking at him.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now