Starting Over?

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*Joey's POV*

I stay silent as I watch Stacy walk away.  "Im sorry...." my dad says. "What did you do?"  "I askd her what was wrong with her....she told me" I look at him and look off into the distance to try to see Stacy, Shes not in sight. "Oh Dad...." He looks at me.  sit down with him. "Why would you say that? Say anything?" "I just...I dont know Joey, I"

*Stacy's POV*

I quickly move to the other side of the playground and I go over to a bench. I sit down and I hold my head. I dont even care about any kids seeig me this way. There are little tears streaming down my face.  cant belive I just told Joey's dad EVERYTHING! He must hate me so much oh my gosh......I just cant. Then, A little kid comes and sits next to me. "Hello" He says. I look at him. "Hi...." I respond. "Are you sad?" He asks. "Well...Yes, yes I am sad" "Why are you sad?" He looks up into my tear-filled eyes. "Its noti-....Well, its with me and my boyfriend, is dad, he dosent like me"  dout telling my problems to a little kid wil help, but I did it anways. "Make him like you, I dont know why it would be so hard" "Well, if I knew how to make him like me, I would have hd him like me already." Theres a short silence. "Your a very pretty girl" he says. I look down to him and smile. "Well thank you" I s, actually smileling a bit "You look even prettier when you're smiling!" He says. I laugh a bit. "Awe shucks" I say. Then, I see Joey come up to us. "Stacy...Are you okay...?" He asks. "Yea, Im feeling a bit better now..." He extends out his hand for me to take, I accept as he pulls me up out of my seat. "Lets go" He says. He pulls me along as I wave to the little boy at the bench. "Thank you!" I call out to him, he waves back to me.


We're all back to the house, no one said a word on the drive back home, not even Joey. Joeys dad and I are aone in a room while Joey goes out for something. "Im sorry" I say, not looking at him. "Wat did you do wrong?" He asks. "I should've never just told you everything right on the spot, I just...just wanted to tell you, SHOW you, that I never wantd to be like this, and saying how Joeys gonna leave kinda really...not right." I exhale. He looks over to me, I dont make eye contact. "I get it...What IM sayinging is that my little boy isnt one for sad people" "But thats the thing Mr Graceffa, your 'little boy' knows I wasent always like this" He silences.  "I know Im not the girl you wanted, but Im the girl you have, Okay?" He stil says nothing.  "Tell me about yourself, the one you say is really you" I look down. "Im Stacy Hinojosa, 31 years old, in love with dogs and milk" He nods. "Okay Stacy, you seem like a nice girl, just with some issues, I dont wanna come all down on you, you seem alright" He smiles at me, I give a little smile to him and we go in our rooms. I look into the mirrior, my hair looks okay, my makeups a bit smuged, not a big deal, easy fix, and my face is pretty red. I fix my makeup and sit down. After a few minutes, Joey walks in while Im on twitter. "You okay now?" He says, sitting down next to me. "Im alright" I say. "My dad told me everything back at the playground" He pulls me in close to him. "I love you" He says" "Love you too" I say back. He holds the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss. Im holding my hands behind his back and his hands are placed around my waist. We rak for air. "You're literley the best" I say to him. "Ditto for you".


*Joeys POV*

My dad is getting his bags, its 12 am and me an Stacy are about to drive him to the airport. Me and her are in the car waiting for my dad to come out, She's driving. She awns, sounding like a little baby. "Tired?" I ask her. "So tired" She says. I put my arm around her and she puts her head on my shoulder. "I can drive, I know your tired" I propouse. "And so are you, dont worry Joey, Im 100% capable to drive" I nod. My dad puts his stuff in the trunk and sits in the backseat.   

*15 minuts later*

Were still in the car, me and my dad are making small talk. I look over to Stacy to see her nodding off to sleep. I clap my hands togeter and yell "STACY!" Her eyes open wide. "Want me to takeover?" "No, Joeseph, I got it" "Were almost there, only a few more minutes."

We arive at the airport and Stacy parks the car. We all get out and stand infront of the airport. "Bye Dad!" I say, hugging him. "Bye son" He says. He walks over to Stacy. She awkwerley looks over to me, then puts out her hand. My father declines her hamd, and pulls her into a hug. She eyes me and I shrug. He wispers something into her ear, lets her go, and she walks next to me. We wave him off as he makes his way to get on his flight to boston. I look at the clock, 1:25 AM. "Want me to drive home?" I ask. "I can drive..." She trails off. "Stac, you can bairley keep your eyes open, Im driving home." She opens her mouth to object, but gives in.  Once were in the car, it takes about 5 minutes for Stacy to fall asleep. I look over to her and laugh, no way I was letting her drive. She looks so peaceful.

I get us home and I park the car. I tap Stacy on the shoulder. "Stacy?" I say. No response. I do it agan. "Stacy!" I say a bit louder. She pops awake and I smile. "Told you that you coudent drive". She smirks. I get out of the car and around to Stacy, I open the door for her. "Now, why thank you!" She says. We go inside and we change into our pajamas.  We both go and lye in bed togeter. "Hey Stacy, do you wanna go on a date tomorrow? Like a actual date?" I ask. "I would love to!" She says. We both smile, and spend the night in eachothers arms.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now