Stacy Gets A Stuffed Molly

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*Joey's POV*

So it's been two days since I have talked to Stacy. I wanted to give her some space, some time. I wanna ask her if she wants to go hang out. I would never want to say 'hey let's go on a date!' because that's not what I'm leading, or asking for, but sometimes I wish I could just say that. I think we could go to the little arcade down by the grove, only about half a mile away. I call her up. "Hell-o?" Stacy said. I smiled, she sounded normal, happy. "Hey Stacy!" I say back. I hope I don't sound too excited. "Joey! What's up?" "Nothing much...hey do you wanna hang out? Go out somewhere?" I tense up a bit, I really hope she says yes. "Sure! Sounds like a lot of fun! Were should we go?" I tell her that we should go up to the little arcade by the grove, and that I will pick her up. "Ok, I will go get ready!" She seamed really existed, I was glad. I quickly comb through my hair, and since I was already dressed, I head on out. I get to Stacy's. I go up and knock on the door

. "Hi!" she says, opening the door, cheerfully. "Hi" I say back. "Looks like someone's in a good mood." She smiles, I smile back. We walk out to the car. She looks stunning. Absolutely stunning. Her long hair pulled back into a pony-tail, bouncing behind her. She has a grayish tee shirt on, and jeans. She looks perfect, just so calm and happy. It's been awhile since I've seen that Stacy. I open the door for her. "Oh, why thank you, Joey" she says to me, smiling up at me. She looks alot better, I really hope she's been ok.

*Stacy's POV*

Ive been feeling a lot better recently. Meghan hasent been saying anything to me recently, so I have been trying to get a clear mind. I've been off twitter so I wouldnt have to see anything that chould make me any sort of upset. Oh, and it has worked! I do however feel like one thing could push me back down, but I truly think I will be ok. Once me and Joey arive, we go inside to see a ton of seazure bringing flashing lights. It wasent a place for little kids, what is whats weird about it, but its a place for adults. Not because its bad for kids to be here, just that I dont know, mybe adults dont want like 12 5 year olds surrounding them? Well, whatever it is, its good. Me and Joey both go and put 20 dollers worth of "coins" and then he says "Ok,what should we do now?" He smiles at me. We play a few games, its cute. Then, we come apon a claw machine. Not any old claw machine, this claw machine has a small stuffed dog, that looks exactly like Molly. "Oh my god! Its Molly! I need it!" I say going up to it, putting in two coins. Joey laughs "Those things are a scam, Stacy. I dont know if you want to waist it" I dont pay attention. "I need Molly!" I say trying to win. Joey rolls his eyes and laughs. I lose. "Aw! Again!" I say repeating. I try two more times, nothing. "Ok, Stacy. Let me try" I smerk at him "really?" I ask. "Yea, move over, let the pro at hand." I know Joeys not a pro at this thing, its obvious he's not. I watch him try to win. Luckey enough, he won. "I belive this belongs to you, pretty lady." He says to me, handing me the small stuffed Molly.  I blush a bit. "Oh thank you, kind sir!" I put the stuffed Molly into Joey's car, I wouldent want it to get ruiend! After me and Joey play out our coins, we sit down to take a breather. "I'll be right back" he says. So Joey leaves and I'm sitting alone, for a moment, at least. Meaining I am no longer alone. I am joined by, the one and ony Meghan Camarena. 'Great' I think to myself 'Just great'. "Hi there, Stacy" she says to me, looking overly happy, in a bad way. "Hi...." I say a bit weary. "What have you been doing here with Joey? Why are you so happy to be with him?" "How are you here?" I ask, compleatly iqnoring her questions. "You cant be with him, he cant like you. Oh god this isnt hapining!" I'm extreamly confused. "How? Your just and ugly, old hag who is twice my weight. All you can do is die in Minecraft and just be a useless use of space. Here, take this and make yourself a bit usefull." Her words hurt more then a stab in the gut. She gets up and unhapply struts away. I pick up the little peice of metel she had slid across for me to 'use'. I take a closer look at it and it clicks...I would never...Would I? Right now, it feels almost right. I slowly move the metel to my wrist, thinking over every move I make. I know its not right but I just wanna see......just try maybe......I take a look around and everyone is paying no attention, i think. I slowly move it to my wrist........

A/N: Hi everyone! <3 There SHOULD be an update by later if I want to do it (lol) I hope you enjoyed this chapter of What A Stoey! Emmy Luvs You! <3

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