Well...At Least The Veiw Was Good....

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*Joeys POV*

My dad says nothing. I can hear them talking outside the door. I walk back in. "Okay guys. do we need to do anything else beofre we head out?" I say. "Im fine" Stacy says. I look at my dad and he says the same. We all head out into the car. "I can drive" Stacy proposes. "Well, I can drive to, dont worry about it Stacy" I laugh. She looks at me uneasely then gives in.  She sits in the back and lets my dad sit up front. I drive us to the hollwood sign, making very little small talk in the car. I feel bad for Stacy, I know she is just scared to talk to my dad, but she needs to snap out of it. Im hoping this trip can do a little bit on this. I mean, if Stacy has to like one of my parents, my dad is the one to like, I dont even want to think of the day we have to do the whole meating thing with my mom. I park the car and we all get out. Stacy comes up next to me and our shoulders touch.  Its actualy really windy right now, but its warrm, very warm. "Well, what are we waiting for" I say, we start on the long walk up the mountin to the veiwing site. No way we can get away with not making small talk up here on this walk. "So, its really nice up here today, the veiw should be amazing." I say. "I was really hoping it would be, I've wanted to see this in person for the longest time" Dad says.  A lady walks by with a dog on a leash. Stacy laughs. "You have a realy cute dog, ma'm" She says to her. "Ah, well thank you, his name's Jessie" The lady replies. "Hi Jessie!" She says hapily. The lady and her dog walk off. "Better then your syco dogs...." I say. "Shut it" Stacy says, strictly. "Stacy's dogs once tried to eat my face off" I explain to my dad, he nods. "She did not try to eat your face off, she's just....not the fondest of you" I roll my eyes. "Well, one way or another, your dog is a deamon." She laughs. "Whatever". We reach the veiwing sight. "Here it is" I say. Its quiet while we all look out. I put my arm around Stacy.  She turns her head and smiles at me. I smile back. We turn back out to the sunny veiw. Out of the corrner of my eye I see my dad turn and smile at us, good, I want him to know that were more then just room mates. "Veiws great" I say, turning us to my dad. "Really is" confirms my dad. Stacy smiles. We all walk back down to the park, there are a ton of little kids running around since its only 2:30 pm. "Hey Stacy" I say to her. She turns her head twards me. "I dare you to go ask a little kid to play tag" She laughs. "Um, yea, no." She says. My dad laughs. "Why not?" I ask. "Hm, let me think, Oh. We dont need any mothers hiding their kids away from us because this pedophilic woman asked to play with their child." Me and my dad start laughing. "I'll do it" I say. "Go ahead if you want, Im just saying that we dont need to look like the crazy people in the city." I get up and walk to a little kid. 

*Stacy's POV*

"Oh gosh" I say aloud. Joeys father laughs. "Hey, wanna play a game?" I hear Joey say faintly to a child in the distance.  I put my elbows on my knees and hold my head down by my hands. "You alright?" Joeys dad ask's me. He puts his hand on my shoulder. I lift up a bit. "Yea....Yea Im fine...."  "You sure?" "Yea, all good..." We see Joey run by. "You know, you dont seem like the happeist person, Im not sure why Joey would date you" He says queitly. "You and me both" I reply , looking at the ground. "I-Thants not what I ment....." He looks at me. "I used to be happier, everything was great and dandy, I doubt Joey fell in love with the mess you call me now." I remain looking at the ground. "What happend...?" "Well, everything about, anything that could not go in my favor. Now see, There was this girl, this girl liked Joey aswell as me, once she found out I liked him too, she did everything in her power to stop us getting together, as you can see,she has failed. Well, since she has failed, if things werent bad then, things became a living mess after." "Wha..What did she do? What did she say?" My head is still down, Im not looking at him. "Mr. Graceffa, I want you to look at me." "And?" He says confused. "Well, I thought that was enough at explaining. Well, she would say anything she could to get me down, I was always trying to stay positive, but one day, I guess you can say I just fell to far." He remains silent. "And for what she did to me, just look, take a look at my arm, you think I did this to myslef? No, This was not my choice, I was trapped, held down agenst every will,  this was forced apon me" "..Im sorry I asked..." He says. "Well, now thats the story of your sons deppressing girlfriend that he will leave one day, glad we had this talk" I say sarcasticly and annoyed. Joey comes back to see his dad looking at me and me having my head in my hands, looking at the ground. "Stacy, are you okay?" He asks's, sitting back down next to me. I dont say anything, I cant. "What happend here?" Joey asks, looking up at his dad. His dad says nothing, just stays with an open mouth. Joey puts his arm around me. "Its okay, what happend..?" I lift my head up. "Its nothing, Joey, Im fine, Im just gonna go be somewere by myself.." I say, getting up walking away. As soon as Im walking, I can feel my eyes start tearing up.

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