A Romantic Date..?

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*Stacy's POV*

I havent been very active online recently. I havent been on The Cube in forever! I went on, and Graser asked if I wanted to do a clip with him and help him collect some blocks for half of his two-week makings. I accept, I don't really care, give me a one diamond off in your shop and I'll be cool with you. So I hop on teamspeak with Graser and he did his clip into. "Ok, Stacy, will you help me cut down some trees?" He askes. "Sure, how much?" I ask him back. "Two stacks of oak and birch?" "Ok" So he goes off and cuts down some trees too, and we start to chat a little. "So, Stacy, gossip going around is that you have a boyfriend, is that true Ms. Hinojosa?" WHAT? I think. "Um, no. Why?" "Really? Well..uh..I found A video of you and I think....Joey Graceffa? I think thats his name, and you were-" "WHAT?" I say, cutting him off. "Its kind of the rage on twitter at the moment." "What exactly is 'the rage of twitter at the moment?'" "A video, or more likely a clip, of you kissing Joey Graceffa." I was silent. "Stacy?" He askes. "Im still here." Did Joey end up posting it? Oh crap, this isn't good. I thought he wasn't going to post it like this! "I feel a slight panic attack coming on, but Grasers recording, and I don't wan him to notice, it would be really awkward. "Are you ok?" he ask's, he's probably herd me by now. I don't say anything, I cant. "I stopped the recording, Stacy. Did I say something wrong." "I'm sorry" I say, lightly. "You didn't do anything." He says. "Can we just go on with the clip?" I ask. We go on, I collect the wood and keep conversation small. Once I'm done with that, I get off the cube. I get a call from Joey. "I was wondering if...if you wanted to go on a date, like a real date." He says. I feel butterfly's in my stomach. "YES! I mean, ugh, yea, yea! Lets do it!" "Ok, I will pick you up at 3:00" Yay! I was so happy, I didn't think this would ever happen. Once we get off the phone, I go try to pick out what I want to wear, oh dear, I have to look perfect! I get changed and I check the time, oh crap! Its 2:25! I brush out my hair and go to my makeup table. Right then, I hear a knock on my door. I don't have time for this, but I answer anyways. "Hello there, Stacy." Meghan says strutting in. Oh what a joy. "Hi" I say, simply. "OK, Im getting straight into the point, I warned you" "Warned me about what?" I ask. "Don't play dumb, I seen the video." My heart sinks. I start up again. I can't say anything. "You wouldn't believe how nice Im being to you right now" She says, pushing me into a wall. I try to say something, but I cant. "I warned you, don't say I didn't, I told you to back off and I'm going to make you wish you did!" She grabs me by the wrist and pushes me into a wall, putting her face up to mine, in which, only made me more anxious. She pulls me out and pushes me, aiming for the floor.

Only thing is, I blacked out after that.

*Joey's POV*

On my way to pick up Stacy, I grab some flowers to give her on our date. I can't believe this! It's our first real date! I say first because I'm hoping to go on many more with her. I pull infront of her house and knock on the door. I wait a moment, no answer. "Stacy?" I call out. No answer. "STACY?!" I yell out, hoping she can hear me, no answer. "I'm coming in! Don't gat scared!" I yell. I open the door, its unlocked, and I walk inside. "STACY!" I yell, heading towards her. She is down on the ground. I kneel next to her and shake her shoulder, hoping she is only...taking a nap or something. No answer. I put my hand over her heart, which looks really awkward because it looks like I'm touching her boobs. I think her heart is beating. I pull out my phone and call the police. "HELLO? Sir, ma'm, my best friend Stacy is laying here un conches and I don't know what to do! Can you sent over a ambulance? Were at *Some address* ." "Chill man, keep calm were coming right now." I wait for them, impatiently. I'm sitting on the ground holding her hand. One of the men walk in, because I was smart and left the door wide open, and they see me sitting on the floor. "This her?" he asks. "Yea" I say. I'm really scared, I think he can notice. "Alright. Were going to get her into the ambulence cart." he says. "C-can I come too? I dont really wanna leave her alone." "Sure, man. Just dont touch the equipment, that stuff can save your friend's life." I nod and look over to Stacy. He calls in two men who bring her into the car. The man hangs by me whi;e we wait. "Those flowers for her?" He asks. "Yea...We were, uh, going on a....date" "Ah, I see" He says. "Bet this isnt what you expected, eh?" He sure is right I didnt. I sit in the cart next to stacy. They have sut us the heart machine so I can see she's ok. Once we arive in the hospetal, we get a room so we can see whats wrong. I was told I have to stay out...I just want to be in with her. I try to protest but they lead me out. I sit, franticly glancing at the sealed door. At one point, the docter comes out and says what had happend. It seams as though she had hit her head? I want to hear Stacy point though, I never belive the docters fully. "Is she awake? Can I go in?" I ask. "Shes not awake, I'm sorry, but you can't go in." The man who talked to me back at Stacy's house apper's behing me. "Let him, Nancy, he's got alot going for him." He says. Their is a moment of silence. "Oh..um ok." The docter says, letting me in. I smile to the man, and walk in. "We'll be checking in" She says. "Ok, ok." I say, looking only at Stacy. She closes the door and I walk up to her. It dosent seem like they did anything to her accept put a braclet on her that says 'Stacy Hinojosa' Only because they asked me. I pull up a chair next to her bedside table, and sit there. I place the flowers I got her on the table. I didn't think that would be a hospetal gift. I sit, looking at her. Her eyes are closed, sitting peacfully. I sit there, looking down for awhile before something happends. "Joey?" I hear her say softly. "Stacy!" I say, trying not to be to loud. "Your ok! Your ok!" I say, way to happily. 'Am I...In a hospatel?" She says looking around. "Yea, I called for an ambulence. When I got to your house to pick you up, you werent answering so I got scared and went in and you were on the ground! The doctor said you must of hit your head." "Sorry I was late for our date." She smiles up at me. I laugh. "Do you remember how you hit your head?" I ask her. "Not much" She says. "What do you remember?" "Well..." She says, trailing off. "I was, um, getting ready, and then Meghan had of come to the door. And well she had seen your vlog......so she kind of......threw me agenst the wall." I looked at her, shocked. I was going to kill Meghan! I can tell she's still a bit light headed from her accident. "Oh, Stacy." I say. She looks up at me, saddend. I give her a hug. "I got these for you" I say, handing her the flowers. "Oh, how sweet!" She says. "Thank you, Joey." I feel bad for her. She did nothing wrong, she hasn't in any of this. I wish I could help, enter her mind and change it all, make her see what O see. What I see is a wonderful young lady who needs to see how wonderful she is. A lady walks in. "3 minutes miss Hinojosa!" "Three minutes till what?" Stacy asks. "Till we have to drug you up again so we can examen you without hurting you in any way" She leaves. "I'm so glad your ok, I was so worried." I say, friendly patting her shoulder. "Ow, ow, ow!" Stacy says. "Oh, Im so so so sorry!" I say. "Are you ok?" "I'm fine" The lady walks back in. "Ok. Time for the stuff." She grabs a big big needle with a jar on it to hold liquid. She fills it up with something. Stacy grips my hand, I grip back. "Your not going to use that on me, right?" She asks, her voice shuddering. "You bet I Am!" She says, coming towards us with it. "Ok, sweetie, give me your arm." Stacy slowly gives her the opposite arm I'm holding on to. "Squeeze my hand as hard as you need to" I tell her while the lady rests the contraption on her arm. "Thanks, Joey." She says. The lady inserters it into her arm. he squeezes my hand very tight. "Ok, all done. It should take a minute i two to make you fall asleep." She says, walking to the corner at put away the equipment. "And you, Sir, have to go when the exam is happening." I stand next to Stacy. "Good luck." I say. "Thanks" She looks up, her eyes sparkling. I lean in to kiss her and she returns it. I hold her head up, because I know she is a bit light headed at the moment. We kiss until she falls into her sleep. Once that happens, I put her head down, swipe her hair out of her face, and leave the room.

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