Hi Mr. Graceffa

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*Joey's POV*

Its been some time after Stacy had the worst expreancie of her life (I think that passed the one were she screamed 'IM NOT ANOREXIC' In the diner). Since I've been trying to not help her as much, which makes me sound terrible but Its what she wanted, She has been getting better, Im really proud of her.

Right now, Stacy is filming a video for her channel in our recording room and Im looking at tweets on my phone in our room. My phone starts to ring, its my dad! I awneser him. "Hi dad!" I say. "Hey Joey! Whats up?" "Nothing, What about you?" He pauses for a minute. "Okay, so, I was thinking about comming up for, I dont know a day or two, to come hang out with you! I havent seen you since cristmas and I think it will be fun! Are you up for it?" he asks. "Of course dad!" I say. "Do you think I could...stay with you and your buddy....Sawyer I think? I dont really know were else I would go". I forgot, he dose'nt know I have a girlfriend. "Actualy, Dad, I moved!" I say. "Oh gosh, Really?? You got a place on your own now?" I laugh. "Not quite..." I say. "What do you mean?" "I live with my girlfriend!" I say. "Oh my gosh! You got a girlfriend? Thats great!" He says, happily. "Im sure you will be able to stay with us! Oh this will be great!" I say. "So...Whats this lady friend or yous like?" We both start laughing. "Well, Shes the sweetest little thing in the world, I love her so much,Dad,Shes wonderful." I can praticly hear his smile. "Then I cant wait to meet her! Can I...see a picture of her? Is she pretty?" He asks. "Beautiful, She's gorgeous." I smile really big. "I wish she knew" I say. "What do you mean, Joey?" He asks. I look over to the recording room and see that Stacy is still filming. "She's just...insecure...Not the most confitent one in the bunch, but shes wonderful." Theres a bit of a silence. "Sounds like you got yourself a good one, I'll be easy with her." I laugh. Me and my dad talk out the details. He will book a flight to come up in two days, Were picking him up in like 4:30 AM, he's spending the night, staying most of the day the second say, then going home on his 1:00 AM flight. Stacy comes out of the recording room after me and my dad finish setting everything up. "Guess what!!!!" I say, Im a bit to happy about this, I really want My dad to meet her. "What?" She asks. "My dad is comming up here in two days! Hes going to stay here! He cant wait to meet you!" She tenses up. "Your....Your dad? Oh my gosh, Already?" "Are you okay?" I ask. "Joey! What if your dad HATES me? What if he thinks im not good enough for you?" She rambles on. "Dont worry, Cutie, He will love you, and if he doesnt, He'll learn to because your staying." She comes and hugs me. I tell her all the details, She smiles through them, She'll be fine, I know it.


*3:42 Morning of The Arival*

*Stacys POV*

"Stacy! Stacy!" Joey says, trying to wake me up. "Joey....?" I say, tierdly. "C'mon, We have to get ready to pick up my dad." We get up and start to pick out our clothes. "Why is it so early?" I ask. "not sure, my dad started his flight last night and now hes here". I get ready, Change, Do my hair and makeup. "Do I look okay?" I ask Joey, once Im complete. "You look perfect, now lets go, we dont wanna be late.

I drive so Joey can vlog. "Hello there everyone! Today Im here with my lovley wedded wife Stacy Hinojosa" He points the camrea at me. "Wait what?" I ask. He laughs and smiles. "Okay so shes my girlfriend but Shhhhh Im working on it guys." I laugh and cover my mouth with my hand. He looks over to me and smiles. "I can hear the comments now, 'I ship it!' 'There the cutest!' Love!'" I continue on his list. " 'There a terrible couple!' 'They sunk my ships!' 'I bet He'll leave her' ". "Wow, That just got negitive" Joey says, looking into the camrea. "Comments are comments" I keep my eyes on the road. "Fuck comments" He says. "Joey!" I look at him. "If you say something like that guys, I wont love you, bye" He turns off his camrea. "Deep man".

Me and Joey walk into the airport and go into the section were we will be picking up his dad. Joeys holding my hand, knowing Im nervous. I see a man come and run up to us. Joey lets go of my hand and hugs him, guessing thats his father. "Dad!" He says happily. "Whats up man!" His dad says back. They pull apart. Joeys dad walks infrount of me and Joey looks at me wiht a nervous smile. "And you must be Joey's lady friend. Mr Graceffa." He puts out His hand. "Stacy" I say, shanking his hand. Joeys lady friend, I like the sound of that. Joey grabs his bag and puts them into our car. I start to drive home. "Sooooooo....." Joey says. "So, Dad, what do you want to do here in Los Angeles?". "Mainy just wanted to see my boy!" He says. "Well, Im here" They both laugh. I dont say anything and look straight ahead in the road. "You okay Stacy?" Joey asks looking over to me. Joeys father nods his head towrds me, dittoing. "Fine" I say. He opens his moth to object, but closes it, knowing we cant get into this now.

I pull up infront of the house and we all go inside. "Okay so dad, this is our home, its not that nice but whatever follow me" We (aka Joey, with me trailing behing his dad) tour him around. We get to our room. "This is Stacy's and I's room." Joey trails. "One bed, I see" His father exlaims. I blush up. "Well, We are daiting....And live in the same house...." Joey contemplates. We finish showing him the rest of the house. The time is 4:30, Im really tierd. We show Joeys dad wear he will be sleeping and he starts setting things up, and says hes going to sleep. Me and Joey say the same thing and go off into our room. Me and Joey lay down together in our bed. I rest my head on his chest. "Tierd?" He asks, looking down at me. "Very, I didnt sleep at all last night" "Why?" "I dont know...nervous, I geuss." I admit. He hugs me. , I keep my head on his chest. "What if your dad walked in right know and seen us like this?" I ask. "He gasp, apoligize, then laugh" He says. "Girl, you dont need to be so quite around my dad you know." I nod. "I know, Im just nervous..." "Dont be" "Wow great advice" He smiles at me. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I say back. Were laying close together, hes holding me so sweetly. Every move he makes is so sweet and calm. 

*9:30 AM*

I wake up slowley to see that Joey is sitting next to me awake. "Heya!" He says. "Is something wrong?" I ask, putting my hand over my head by the light. "No, I just wanted to be awake if my dad woke up, last thing we need is that my dad walks in on us sleeping together." He smiles. I sit up and prop up with my arm.  Me and Joey talk for a few minutes then I go to get dressed. 

After Im done, Joey, his father and I are all sitting around in the living room. Me and Joey next to eachother (He has his arm around me :3 ) and Joeys dad across from us. Okay, so this is really awkwerd..We're basically (Ugh basically) just staring back at him.  "So Dad" Joey says, filling the silance. "What are you thinking you wanna do While your here today in LA?" Theres a quiet second. "Probaly go check out the parks and the sigh, if thats okay with you two" Joey looks at me and I nod. "Okay, great, Thats what we'll do today." Joey looks over to me, He understands how nervous I am, but what he does is not what you would want hom to go. "I'll....Be right back" He says as he gets up and walks away. I look down. So if you were Joeys father, you probaly wouldent wanna be with me, but I really cant help it much. "So Stacy....." He says. I move my eyes up to him. " Tell me a bit about yourself....I dont know very much about you, but I know my son would not date a deppresing girl" I dont respond at first.

"He's daiting me, is'nt he?"

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now