Park Chats, Meal Tears, And Playtime

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*Joey's POV*

        I run off into the playground to play with Jett. I don't dare look back to see them. I feel bad ditching them, I really do, but what if I the reason things are awkwerd? I'll make sure I come back soon, I don't wanna be gone for too long.  "Jett!" I yell. "Joey! Pay tag with me!" He says. I simle at himm and chase him around, it's been a long time since I've gotten to run around and play with my little brother like this. We run around for awhile, and we don't stop untill I feel bad. "Jett, c'mon I think we should go meet up with Mommy and Stacy." I say. He nods and follows me. We walk up to them, and I don't think it went well. Stacy's giving me her 'This is so awkward help me Joey please face'. I nervously laugh and pull her off to the side while my mom talks to Jett. "You okay? How'ed it go?" I ask egerly.  "Im okay, it was fine. There was no real conversation. It was kinda just like....I don't know. It wasn't good, whatever it was." She says. "I'm sorry" I say. "No need, can we just go home and work on things there?" I look at her and nod. 

*Stacy's POV*

        We're back home, we all made small talk in the car, witch kinda made up for what happend back there at the park. It wasn't bad, what had happend, but it wasn't good eaither.  Its about 5:45 now, and Joey says he wants to take them out to dinner.  I try to protest, not wanting to get out, but I think he has made up his mind. "I want to do somehting nice for them before they leave tomorrow." Joey says. "I....Okay..." I say, unsatisfiyed.  Going out isnt really my thing, if you havent picked it up already. Especially with other people other then Joey. Maybe I can just say I'm not hungry? I don't know anymore. Joey would be on my case for sure, can't get anything passed him anymore. Maybe I can just talk to him and work something out, it's worth a shot, of anything. Me and Joey are in our bedroom, he's pacing around trying to think were we should take them, and I'm here in my deep thought sitting on our bed. "...I don't know, maybe we should all go down to a resturant in The Grove, but what one? Maybe we should go down the street to that place, They have-" He rambels. "Joey?" I inturupt. He snaps out of his rant. "Stacy? Yes?". "Do you think...Maybe you guys should go all alone! Like, as a family! Catch up a bit. Of course that would mean I wouldn't be attending, but I thiknk thats-" he cuts me off. "No way Stacy, your coming, don't be silly" He says. I laugh unstedly, hoping he gets the message. He doesn't say anything. "I know, Joey..." I say. He looks over to me confused. "Nothing, it's nothing, whatever.".  He goes back to his pacing and I go back to my thinking, hopnig to find a way out of this. 


        Well, I didn't win this. We're now in the car, driving to some resturant at The Grove. I'm sitting in the front seat next to Joey because I don't really wanna be seen by anyone in like a mirror or something, Im just trying to stay calm. My hands are a bit jittery but Im trying to stop it by holding them together. Joey looks over at me, but doesn't say anything.  

Once we arive to the resturaunt, Joey gets us a booth for 4. Me and him sit on one side, and "Mom" and Jett are sitting on the other. We thank the man that led us to our table, and they leave us to order, placing menu's in frount of us. I don't touch mine, my hands are shaking so much, I probaly coulden't hold it if I try'ed. Joey must have spotten my shakey hands, because he grabs ahold of my hands and sqeezes them. We both look at eachother, Joey asking if I was okay with his eyes. "Are you two having a moment?" Jett asks. Joey bursts out laughing, but I don't. I don't really wanna laugh. Everyone closes there menu's, I still havent touched mine, I don't plan too. I keep my head down, I don't know why, I just feel like its somehting that needs to happen in situations like this, I can't bare to make eye contact. Joey leans over to me. "Um..Stacy, it kind of looks like you're looking at your Boobs..." He says. I pull my head up and look at him with wide eyes, He laughs and punches me in the shoulder. I laugh a bit and smile. A waiter comes up to take out orders. I instently tense up once again and Joey looks over to me, realizing what I'm worried about. I don't catch everyone's orders because of my freaking out, but before I know it, its up to me.  "What would you like, ma'm?" The waitor asks me. "I don't want anything!" I say quickly. Joey looks over to me, I can tell he wants to say something to me. I can feel our tabe lookin at me. "I mean, well, I can't eat gluten, so I couldn't find anything so....' I say, panicing a bit. "Ma'm, we have a whole gluten free section in our menu" "Im-Im not hungry! Okay? Just! I...." I spit out as I put my head down. The waitor walks away. Joey puts his hand on my back. He moves his head down to mine. "Are you okay, babe? It's gonna be alright..." He says. theres little tears, nothing bad, but there the sad tears. I lift my eyes a bit. Joey's mom is looking at me sadly.  Jett comes up to my face and gives my forhead a kiss. "Don't be sad, my princess" He says. I look up and smile at him. Joey puts his arm around me. "you like Princess, I'll keep that in mind" Joey says. "No, I don't" I say. "Then what was that?" He asks. "He's nine, it's adorable." I smile over to Joey. "Princess"


        We're back home now. Joey's mom and Jett are in there room, going to sleep.Me and Joey getting redy to to sleep.Im sitting on our bed. Joey is getting changd, its a bit strange that he is changing infront of me, I men he is in his boxers, so there basicly just shirts right?so I don't find it that weird.  He strips off his shirt and smirks at me. I smirk back.  He turns off the light and comes under the covers of our bed, I join him. We lay down facing eachother. He puts his arm around the top of my back. He moves his hands down. "Joey..." I say, keeping a normal tone. He keeps moving his hands down.  "Joey!" I say loudly once he reaches my...Err...backside.  I grab ahold to his upper bicep. We look at one another, he looks at me smirkily. "...Joey, I...." I say, my face turning red. Joey's devilish grin turns back to normal. "Hey, um, sorry..." He says awkwerdly. "I don't like it, Joeseph." I say. "I know I know I know, I..Err...Sorry, okay? I just....I don't know."

*Joey's POV*

        I don't know why I did anything, I don't know what gotten into me. I mean, Im a boy, she's a pretty girl, thoughts just happen, I guess. "I mean, Im not outruling some things, but like..." she goes quite. "I'm not ready..." She says. I stay quite, a bit embaressed to talk.  "I'm not trying to sound mean, its not that I...don't like you any way like that, I do, I just , I'm not comfterble like that..." . "I'm sorry, I should really say something next time..." I say. "Well, that time doesn't have to be too far away...." She says, smirking at me. I try to match her. She comes to me and kisses me. I wrap my hands around her back and she wraps her hands around my neck. I tug on her shirt, and look at her for consent. She looks at me confused. Not knowing how to put this into words, I lift up her shirt a bit from the side. "Oh, Joey." She says. "I...I don't know, I mean, I....I...I just can't. I just, I mean I" she stutters. "I just, I want you to love me" She finaly spits out. "I do love you, and whatever you do here isnt going to change that." I say. She looks nervously for a second, Then, she pulls off her tee shirt and lays close to me. I put my hand on her bra strap. "Too far, big boy" She says. "I know, I know. Im only messing." I say, we both giggle. I pull her in close to me ass wee kiss, returning our hands to the spots they were in before, only taking breaks for air and giddy laughter. "I love you, Stacy" I say. "I love you too" She says. 

        After we're done kissing, we lay they together, fingers intertwined, eyes locked on our moving fingertips. 

*Stacy's POV*

        We lay there together, still awake, fingers intertwined, my head on his shoulder, so peaceful.

I hear the door open, out of shock. I go under the covers. "Mom?" Joey says. Oh crap. " Joey, jett whats to say goodnight to you two." His mom says. "Oh..." I hear Joey then give his goodnights to Jett. And yea, Im not getting up because I don't have a shirt on. "Oh, and Stacy, shes.....sleeping. we dont wanna wake her" He says. "Oh" I hear jett say. They leave the room. I sit up, and cover my mouth, 

We spend the rest of the night, giggling, blushing, talking and loving.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now