The After Thought

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*Stacy's POV* 

When I get home, I change my clothes because it started to rain.  I liked the rain right now, It gave me something to focus on. Im just in the mood to be alone. Once I get changed, I take a moment to look in the mirror. "I'" I say to myself. I look, my makeup is all runed down, my hair is just a reak, I look so stupid! Why cant I just look pretty! I know its not good to think that way, but I cant help it! I diside to take a nap, its only 12:27 so I will just sleep for like maybe 20 minutes.

The next time i wake up, its 3:00. woops. I dilly dally for some time and I watch some youtube videos. At one point, I want to try something. I remember the "talk" I had with myself before I went to sleep at the mirror. Maybe I will try to get all nice looking, its only 3:00, maybe I could do something. I'm gald I felt more outgoing after my 'nap'. I look in my closet, I find an old top that looks good, I also find a pair of black leggings. I put it on. I go infront of my mirror and brush out my hair. I'm still very annoyed with my hair so I keep trying to do some work to it. Once i get it looking semi ok, I put on some makeup. Not alot. Just some eyelinier and maskara. I feel a bit better. I still dont feel like I want to, but it is better then before. I try to ignore negitivity, but it keeps comming up. In the comments of my videos, I only see hate. I know their is kindness, but I see only hate. I think about maybe calling Joey up, but I dont think its a great idea. 

*Joey's POV*

I havent stopped thinking about Stacy. I'm just scared. I want to know whats going on, I want to make sure she is ok, But she keeps traping herself in a little bubble that wont let me reach her. She's just so perfect. I want her to know that their is nothing that she should be worried about. She has people who care about her, she has looks to get a partner, she even has a college ediucation incase youtube dosent work out! I want her to trust me, understand that I wont judge her for what she is. I dont know why I would; shes perfect. I cant help but to get the slightest bit angry at Meghan. I know she did something, I dont know what. I know Stacy wouldent want me getting involvied but I cant help but try to help her. I might call her again, try to get this wall of tention ripped between us.

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