I Didn't Mean To Hurt You

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*Joey's POV*

I wake up alot eairliar then I normaily do. Having trouble sleeping is never fun. I look at the clock, it reads 6:30. Ok, so its not too eairly, but I'm not used to getting up just yes, maybe like a half an hour difrance, but whatever. I look over to Stacy, sleeping in my arms. This is so amazing, I never thought we would be at this point. When she's asleep, she looks alot happeir then when she's awake. I feel bad for her. Its never her fault she feels this way. If Megan never did anything to her she would be compleatly fine. But now, she looks happy. Not a care in the world. I keep my arm around her untill she wakes up, only 15 minutes after me. "Mornin'!" I say to her, grimly. "Hey there, Bud!" She says back, matching my look. We chat a bit about how it went last night, how much fun we had, so on so on. We both got up and got dressed, in seprete rooms, of corse, and I was done before her. Sawyer still was not home yet, which shoked me but i know he will be back. Stacy's st my mirror trying to brush out her hair. "Need help?" I ask, laughing at my own question. "I'm fine" She says, trying to get her hair straight, or straghter. I watch her play around for a minute. "Ok, im done with this." Stacy says annoyed, digging through her bag to get a hair tie or something. "Don't give uo so easy, Stacy. Wear's that going to get you?" I say, leading her away from the bag. "Here" I say. I take the brush and try to brush through her hair, bit puffy, but soft. I get it down a bit, but not alot. "Thanks" Stacy says. "But I think I'll stick to keeping it up" She says, pulling her hair back and tying it up. "Well, ok. I think you look beautiful any way" I say to her, smiling. She said nothing, kind of smiled back. When I told her this, she would never say anything. She wouldent agree or disagree, but I know what she felt, and I will keep saying this untill she belives it, or learns it.

*Stacy's POV*

I went home some time after we woke up. I went to pick up Page and Molly from my neighbors house, then went home. I still feel a bit tierd but I don't really mind. I think about talking a walk to clear my mind up from what happend last night. I give Page and Molly a hug and leave them with some fresh food and water. I take nothing but my phone on this walk. So, aperently I have a boyfriend now. I'm thrild about this news! He said I love you and everything! I don't know if he ment it, but to me, it felt like he did. Everything seams perfect, falling into place..

I'm walking down a street full of people, full packed. Now, I hate being around everyone. I feel like I would just like, do something stupid or whatever. I get pass all the people and now it's basically just me here. I continue to walk down the street when something catches my eye. I feel my heart drop. I see the worst thing I could possibly see on this walk, Joey and Meghan, kissing. Meghan holding a camera up, catching the moment that will never be forgotten. I look at them, staring. Not to far away from them. Now, a girl without anxiety would freak out in this situation, but someone with, oh boy. My hand starts to shake, I can't keep still. I can feel my heart pump fast, feeling my breaths be harder hand harder to take. Joey spots me, he's the one facing my direction. He yells "Stacy! No!" And I look at him and I start to cry...hard.

I don't walk away....I run. Like, a dramatic run, but I still feel stupid. I wasn't far from my house, so I got there pretty darn fast. I run inside and sit along the wall. I hold my knees into my face and cry into them. Why would he be kissing Meghan? I didn't want an explanation, I just seen him do it, and that's enough. I sit there, crying, shaking, stuttering and heavenly breathing.

*Joeys POV*

I wasn't as fast as her, but I followed, leaving Meghan alone. I didn't want her to see it. I was only doing it because of the deal I made with Meghan, I 'pretend' to be in love with her and she doesn't do anything to Stacy. Im very far behind, I wasn't expecting her to run. Oh, I must of done something to her....bad. I arrive at her house and knock on the door. Se doesn't answer. I can here her, though. She's crying...hard. I knock again. "STACY" I yell. Nothing. Im crying a bit now.....I try to open the door...nothing...locked. Hearing her only makes it worse. I didn't mean to hurt her...I just wanted to...keep her safe...All I did was make her more hurt. I'm crying at her level now, just can't stop it. I just want to explain to her what happened. "Stacy, Stacy please....I-I didn't mean to hurt you, can you let me at least explain myself? I just want to tell you....why I had to do what I did." I say with tears down my face. I hear the door unlock. It takes me a moment to wipe my eyes and calm myself down before I go in. Once I do go in, I dee Stacy sitting along the wall on the floor, knees up to her face. I sit along side her. She's still crying, just a little less now. I try to put my arm around her, but she pulls it off. "Ok..let me explain a bit" I say. She says nothing, doesn't even lift her head up. She probably doesn't want me to see her, so I shouldn't take it so personal. I tell her everything. I tell her why I had to do it, I tell her why I agreed etc etc. She cry's a bit harder. I put my arm around her once again, she accepts it. She lifts her head up and looks at me. Her face is bright red and her cheeks have tears down them. "Why would you try so hard to stop other people from saying stuff to me? I already say everything to myself, anyways..." I look at her. "You know, You really are beautiful. One day you will look in the mirror and be pleased, see what I see.". Theres a brief moment of silence before she looks me in the eye and answers.

"Is that the day I go blind?"

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