Present Shopping

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*Stacy's POV*

I wonder around The Mall aimlessly alone, with the across the street neighbor, Mayella. Mayella and I get along pretty well, I come over to her house for a visit sometimes when Joey is busy. I forgot how fun it was interacting with someone who isn't your partner. "How about this watch?" Mayella says, holding up a fairly expensive piece of handwear. "He has a lot of watches...I don't think he'll have much use for another." I say. We turn around and sigh. "What am I sposta get him? Our 1 year anniversary is only a few weeks away and I don't even have a clue about what to get him.". "Guy's are the hardest to shop for." she says. "You gotta enter their minds. I got my first boyfriend a tux to wear on a date for our 4 month anniversary" . I shake my head. "Ugh, I know Joey, too. He's gonna get me the best thing ever, I'm going to love it, and then when I hand him is present I'll be all like 'Uh, I got you a watch?'". She laughs as we look around a bit more. "Mic, necklace, speaker, camera? ALL TERRIBLE!" I yell in distress. I lean on the wall, and mutter to myself. I look up to the ceiling and to the walls. My mouth drops with amazement. "I found it." I say. "What?" Mayella says coming over. I point to the wall. "Is that...A sword?" She asks. I nod in excitement. I run to the register. "How much for that sword on the wall over there?" I ask. "Not for sale, mam'." He replies. I shift my shoulders. "Well...How much do you want for it?". "I said, it's not for sale, miss. Please leave.". I look around me. "Look, here's 150$, now get down that sword.". The man opens his eyes wide, gets up from the register and gets it down. "Alright, mam, this is very heavy, would you like some help carrying this to your car?". "I think I can handle it." I say. He hands it to me slowly. I hold it by the cover and clutch it tightly. We carry it back to the car, placing it in the back seat. We drive back home.

As we pull in to the house, I look uneasily over at the sword. "How am I gonna get this inside without Joey knowing?". "You can keep it at my house until you need to give it to him". Mayella says.

*later on*

*Joey's POV*

Me and Stacy are laying in bed. "Sooo...What did you do today?" I ask her. "Oh, I was just out with Mayella, she had to buy something". I nod. She comes close to me, and I hold her tight. I give her a kiss, once we pull apart, we reconnect for longer. I put my hands on her waist and she carefully wraps her arms around my neck. Our eyes both closed, enjoying the moment. We separate and our eyes meet. She smiles up at me, I smile down at her. We fall asleep together, in each others arms.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now