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*Joey's POV*

I wake up, my arm around Stacy. For once, this time it was on purpose. I pull my arm away and put both my hands on her shoulders. "WAKE UP" I say, shaking her. She gets up. "Well, good morning to you too." She says, putting her hand of her head. "Haha, sorry..." I say. "Its cool." She says, getting up. I join her. "How'ed you sleep?" She asks me. "I was....ok, I guess. How about you?" "I was fine too, despite the fact that we went to sleep at 2 AM" "Yea...." I say. I find our morning ritual funny. We have no tables or chairs, we just have a bed and a floor. Also, we have some random crap just laying around. Well, we do have a table set up, I brought it with me when we moved. Well, Stacy goes to take a shower and I hang back because I took one late last night, so Im good. I get dressed and then I start to unpack a bit. I get out a some stuff, some chairs, a dresser, and a two side tables. Stacy comes out, wearing a light blue tee shirt and a pair of gray shorts. "Ok, done. Don't make fun of me, this is all I brought in with me. I thought these were pants." She says. "Why would I make fun of you?" I ask her. She looks at me. "Why wouldn't y-......I....I don't know." She ends up saying. I smile at her. It feels like a fake smile, because I know she's not thinking that, but she's working on it. She fakes a smile too, but it doesn't pass through me. She comes to me and I stand up next to her. "Nice!" She says, looking around. "Look, I set up a dresser, now we don't need to have our crap on the floor." I say to her. "Awesome!". Stacy goes to change into a pair of jeans, and I check my phone. I haven't checked my phone since Stacy saw me and Meghan kissing. I open it up, there are tons of messages from Meghan.

Meghan: Why did you run off like that??? We had a deal!

Meghan: You said you would act it up around people, Stacy is one of those people.

Meghan: You can't just not get back to me!!

Meghan: Are you ignoring me?!?!?!?

Meghan: Ugh...you're not with her, are you?

All of these messages make me really angry. Without thinking, I send something back.

Joey: I did go with her. I did it because she is actually a nice person to be with, unlike some people. I would rather be kissing someone like that other than you.

I regret it right after I sent it. Stacy comes back out. "Stacy, did you get anything on your phone recently?" I ask. "I haven't been using it due to moving." she says. She gets her phone out of her bag to check it and sits down next to me. I move in closer to see. She looks at me, "What are you doing?" She asks. "Nothing! I- um" I back away. "Is there going to be something bad...? If so, I'll show you, just give me a second to re group." She says. I nod. She opens her phone and starts to look. I see Stacy's face change a bit of expression, that could be good. But not all things phase her enough. "You ok?" I ask. "See for yourself" She says, handing me her phone. I take it and scroll through it.

Meghan: Nice to go see you crying away.

Meghan: I don't really know why my boyfriend would be running to you....

Meghan: Why are you not answering? To busy crying or something?

Meghan: UGH why wont you talk to me, we're friends!

Meghan: No, were not. I lied.

Meghan: You know Joey said he doesn't care about you, all you really have that I don't is pity.

Meghan: I hope your crying in a ditch

Meghan: Why hasn't Joey posted?

Meghan: You did something

Meghan: Ugh, whatever.

That was everything Meghan has said to Stacy since she kissed me. I look at Stacy; She shrugs. "I've heard worse, 'go cry in a ditch' is not offensive to me anymore....not a lot, anyways." I look at her and the room falls silent.  "Not a big deal" She says. I stop talking about it, but I can't help but to think about how rude Meghan is. 


Later that day, I got a text from Meghan.

Meghan: We had a deal! I told you, if you didn't do the deal, Stacy is going to change...And now, just wait...You will see.

Oh crap

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now