Jealousy Galore

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*Joey's POV*

I cant belive Meghan! I could never see her doing this! I'm so angry at her, you wuldent belive. Someware in the back of my head though, I feel almost sorry for her. I dont know why, but was there a reason? Stacy told me that she was jelous, should I have hung out with her more? No, I'm not obligated to hang out with anyone. She hurt Stacy and we are going to get her back...Get her back hard. "I dont know, Joey. I dont really wanna get into something like that" Stacy says. I look at her, I know she wants to. She just dosent think its right. "C'mon, Stacy. She did it to you. I know it dosent make it right but its something that will make you feel even." "I dont want to feel even!" "I know...but-but...." I say. "But I dont want you to be upset" I finely spit out. "Getting back at her is not going to get me happy." She tells me. I give her a hug. Once we let go she says "I think im going to go home, I'm sorry Joey". She gets all her stuff and goes home. Sometime after she leave's, I feel the pity for Meghan once again. I just sudendly feel bad. Maybe I just was iqnoring her, not paying attention to her. Maybe I should have hung out with her more, not make her feel isolated with me and Stacy. I think about giving her a call. I pick up the phone and call her number. "Hello..?" Meghan says, sounding kind of nervous. "Hey whats going on?" I say, enthusiasticly. I hear a sigh of relief. "Oh nothing, what about you?" "Nothing, I wantend to know if you wanted to hang out!". "YES! I mean, yea sure lets go!" she says. I go and head out with Meghan. Its just like old times before I hung out with Stacy. What was I saying? No, I love Stacy I wouldent want her gone. I just wanted to clairify it. I simply tweeted out I had a nice time with Meghan, nothing bad can come from that, everyone loves me and Meghan together!

*Stacys POV*

I see my phone recive a text. Its from Meghan. Its one long text fo let me just state it. 'Oh Stacy. I just had a wondeful night with the only Joey Graceffa! I bet you wished you were too? It was highly wonderful, too bad I'm better. I bet you thought you had yourself safe after I tweeted about you. WRONG! It didnt even come up. Joey dosent care about you! Not much, anyways. This is a reminder that I will always win, and you will always loose. I have some power too, you know. I know more then you think.' I was speachless! Not only by the insults, I hear them alot, but the fact that she said things went smoothly with Joey? He said he was on my side, he said he would help me? I'm the one in trouble here! I know I shouldent feel so jelous, I dont like it. I cant help but to feel a bit of jelousy. I just thought Joey was with me, agenst Meghan, not with her. I wish I could just be pretty like her, have nice hair, perfect bangs, skinny body AND A PERFECT FREAKNG LIFE! Why could I not have been her? Why am I stuck in this possition? I just want to be happy again like things were before she said she liked Joey. I should try to impress him, but what do I have to impress? The most impressing thing I can do is....nothing I suppose. I'll try to dress up for him I geuss, he might not even like that. I feel hopless, like I will never get Joey, but I cant think that way. Out of pure rage, I call up Joseph. "Hello?" Joey said. "You headed out with Meghan?" I start, not paying attention to his greeting. "What?" "I know you did! Meghan said you guys went out and 'had a wonderful time'!?" I know I must not sound like the nicest person but that's the least of my problems. "Stacy! I never thought you would be this way! I never thought you would act like this, are you saying I can't .hang out with other people?!" He sounds angry now. "Not with her!". I understand it doesn't come out as nice as it sounded in my head. "What have I ever done to you!? What has Meghan ever do to you!?" he's raging now. "Seriously?" I ask. "Joey, you said you would help m-" "I don't want to hear any on your jealousy!" He says, cutting me off. He hangs up, leaving me with nothing but an empty phone line. I wish I never said anything to Joey. Now I'm left all alone, having to face Meghan by myself, no support with me. I was so mean, I didn't want to be, but I was just angry. Well, that anger might if just ruined my only chance with him. I'm speechless and I wanna cry. Page comes over and snuggles my leg. I pick her up and put her on my lap were she rubs her head into my arm. I start to cry, I'm all alone here now. Well, I still have page. She won't do anything but comfort me,but that's all I really need right now. Here I am, just messed up my only chance with Joey who might not even want to be friends now, and I sit here crying with Page in my arms.

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