A Bit Of Interior

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*Joeys POV*

So, I have been a bit worried about Stacy latley...Like a lot. I've been seeing her, confert level some would say, go down. All before this, I though she was getting better, that it could only go up from there...I think Im wrong. I still don't know for sure, but anytime I ask her how she is, I feel like its not real. I walk into our bedroom and see Stacy trying to put together a side chair. "Need some help?" I ask. "No, I think I got it" She says back. I can hear it in her voice, everythings not all just fine. "Are you...okay? How are you doing?" I ask her. She dosnt look up. "I'm fine, how are you, Joseph?". I keep my eyes on her. "How ae you really doing?" I say. She looks up at me now. "I'm fine, Joey. I really am" I still don't belive her, but right now is'nt the time for a fight. I nod and sit next to her on the ground. I pick up the other box and start putting together the other side chair. As we sit on the ground, hanging out and assembling chairs, she seams to be a bit opener, which makes me really happy. "We should have a house warrming party" I say as I jam the chair leg into its place. "Oh..um I dont know, Joey. You know me and...people." she says. I laugh, but I know she is serious. "Maybe not a big one?" I ask. "I don't know, maybe we should actualy tell people were a couple before we show that we have a house together and that we sleep in the same bed." She says back, sounding open to ideas. "Yeah Yeah, We should probaly re-film that" "Yeah...we can do it a bit later..." She say. "Are you scared?" I ask her. She looks at me. "A little bit...How about you?" "Not too much...but I always have that little set back of fear there." She smiles and nods. The other reason Im nervos is that Im scared of the comments, I know there will be hate, and I dont want her reading that, but I can't tell her that. We finish with the two chairs and put them in the corrner of our room. "Looks nice there" She says. "Yeah" I agree. We are going to be getting to work on decorating the house, and getting furniture and stuff so our house looks like a house and not an empty space with a bed. We sold all of the furneture we had, we wanted a new fresh start. We decided that the room that was going to be Stacy's room is going to be our recording/work room. We will have our laptops and moneders and all the stuff we need for youtube videos. We will each have a side, or around about considering I have to put all the big camras for colabs and lights and stuff like that. We go out furniture shopping. It was a bit weird, but it was fun. We picked out a nice couch and a love seat (for us lovers) a coffee table, a green/yellow circle rug and a desk type thing to put a tv on. That's for the living room. In our room (I love the sound of that, our room ) we got a blanket for our bed because we only had the cover, two side tables for each side of the bed, and a mount to put a tv on. (we have two TVs because we both used to have one). And we also got all the proper essesities for our kitchen. Once we get home, we set it all up which takes us the rest of the day. Once the sun went down, we fell asleep in our beautiful new home.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now