A Party For Slumber

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*Two days later, none of the charecters have interacted since they last have*

*Stacy's POV*

Today, Joey called me up and asked if I wanted to hang out! I've been pretty overwelmed with this bit of 'romance' going on between us, but I have to say, I really do like it. He dosent mean like go out to the movies, which is pretty good becuase I havent been enjoying public...outings. He means come over and watch a movie, which sounds WAY more apealing (and more romantic) then going out in public. He asked me to stay over the night. Now, that scares me. How would that go? Would it be like our 'accedential sleepover'? Well, long story short, I accepted. The idea scared me, but its Joey, I shouldent be scared. But this isnt a social anxiaty situation, this is a romantic anxiaty situation. I like him and I don't want to do somehting stupid or unappealing. I did agree though, so I should get ready, even if its not time yet. I lug out a backpack. I get some pajama's, A shirt and a pair of shorts. I also get an extra pair of clothes. Should I still put make-up on going their? Looking like a wreck after is one thing, but showing up like a wreck? Thats a big no no. I shouldent do anything too heavy, I don't wanna look to dolled up. I put on a simple eyeliner and some powder (because ew, come on) and that's about it. I don't look to bad, which is good. I'm going to bring my laptop, incase we want to game. He said to get their early, we could head out for some time or something. I hop into my car and drive down to Joeys. Once I arrive, Joey greets me at the door. We do our greetings. "Sawyers out. Spending the night over Tyler's." He says. He leads me up to his room were I place my stuff. "Sooo....Do you want to do something before later?" He asks. "Um, ok. What do you want to do?" He suggests we go to A smoothie place, of corse, but whatever, he dose things for me all the time, this is the absolute least I could do. Since I have my car, I offer to drive. We get into my car and I start out on the trip down, following Joey's directions. Joey pulls out his camera, probably about to vlog us. He puts it back in. "Watcha' checking there, buddy?" I ask, teasing. "Just seeing the battery life." He says back. We arrive at the place and I pull into a parking spot. We walk in, there are tons of people here! All getting smoothies or some kind of dessert.We sit down at a table. It takes awhile for someone to come over to us, because of all the people. I put my head down. I don't want to..uh...be associated with any kind of food or drink, if you know what I mean. I'm sorry if you do, it really sucks, I feel you. Well anyways, I keep my head down as the lady comes to talk to us. "Can I get you two anything?" She asks. Joey orders some healthy kale smoothie with some fruit in it. "What about you, Stacy?" He asks. I peek up, only moving my head the slightest bit. "Nothing, I'm good." The girl leaves and I lift my head back up, mostly. "Are you ok, Stacy?" He asks. I don't want to lie to him, but I don't.....I can't really tell him why. How awkward would it be trying to explain that I don't wanna eat for being judged, doesn't even make sense unless you have been through it yourself. If you asked me a few months ago if that was a valid reason to skip a meal or two, I would say no with no questions asked. But things are different now, now I understand that sometimes, its...uh..ok to skip a meal or two...A day or such..."I'm just...not thirsty...thats all" Its silent for a moment. "Don't lie to me" He said. "I know somethings wrong, I just don't know what." Well, awkward or not, seams at though I have to explain myself. I've never been a good lier, anyways. I look around and my face turns red, I believe, It feels that way. Short and simple, Stacy. Don't go to extreme, no need to start crying in a fully packed shop. "I don't.....Wanna talk about it. Not here, anyways." He looks at me with sad eyes. "Ok, its alright, Whatever it is, its fine, trust me." Wish he knew what it feels like to be on the other side. After Joey gets his drink, We chit-chat for awhile. I still feel nervous, but I make it through. Joey might have caught on, though. We arrive back at his house and he asks me what happened back there. Of corse, Im lost of words. "Well.....you know...' I say, trailing off. "No, no I don't" He says, sturnly. I look down and give a sigh. Its silent for a moment. "You wouldent" He says looking me straght in the eyes. "I....would. Sort of." He says nothing, just looks sadly in my eyes. "Not always, just...when I feel its right." I was right, harder to explain to a person" He comes in and hugs me. "Why?" He says, holding me in his arms. "Its hard to explain....hard to say to you I guess" "No, I undersand, but why?" I don't exactly understand his question. "Why I do it sometimes?" I say, emmbaresed. "No, why would you do it...ever?" "Because I....I..." Its so hard to say...I don't know how, how to make it sound ok, like I never did anything wrong, like I was okay. Well...me sounding okay is out of the picture. "Because I deserve it." I say to him. I tense up, so dose he. "Oh, Stacy!" He says, holding me in tighter. "I'm sorry!" I say, trying to make things sound positive. I don't think theres a way to make this sound positive though. "No, don't be sorry. You can't be sorry. It's...It's not your fault.". What was he saying? Was he agreeing to my statement? Dose he agree with me? I regret saying anything. What dose he mean 'Its not your fault'? is he calling me fat? he is, isn't he? I don't know what to say about this. I know thats what I have been saying to myself, but.....I geuss hearing it from someone else made it worse? I don't know. I don't know what I was going for, I was in for not saying anything, but SOMEONE thought it would be a good idea if I told him. He must see my confusion and sadness. I think he might of caught on to what I was thinking. "OH! No, I mean! Ugh, no! I-I" Great, now were both awkwerd. "I'm sorry! Thats not what I meant! I swear! I....I" I turn, facing the other way so I'm not looking at him. "I get it...." I said. I don't sound too convincing, but I do, I just don't belive it myself. What a wonderful way to start out a slumber party. Joey takes a step closer. "Are...You ok?" He asks. I can tell he dosen't like the 'I'm far away' move I'm pulling on him. "Can i step outside?" I ask, probaly sounding like im going to die. Well, thats how I feal. "Yes...Go. I am sorry if I said anything to you...." I iqnore that, and walk outside. I lean agenst the sid eof his house, not wanting him to see me in anyway from a window. I just need some fresh air. And a clearing of mind. I need to just live. Live and forget. I can't belive I was able to tell Joey that and not freak out. Actualy, I take that back. I did freak out, big time. I just zone out in thoughts. just the regular 'You're not good enough' thoughts like always....I just didn't wish I wouldent think like this while staying over. I must of veen out here for awile because Joey comes out to see me. "Are you ok out here, Stacy?" He asks. I wish words would just answer for me because I wasent up for another big talk, I never belive them, anyways. he come's and leans back on the siding next to me. He puts his arm around me. I tense up at first then I give into him. "You know Stacy, you are a wonderful, beautiful girl" I know he looks at me, but I just look down at the ground. I always feel bad when I do this, I just don't have the guts to look up, not now or ever. "So, what movie do you wanna watch?" He asks, still keeping his arm around me. I look up and smile. Thats my guy. The guy who will change the subject for me when I can't do it. He knows I want to but can't. He's got my back. He's always told me, I just now belive him.  "It dosen't matter, whatever you want to watch." I say, trying to sound postitive. "I want to watch what you want to watch" He says, shooting back. "How about we watch My Neighbor Totoro?" I ask, knowing that something he would want to watch. "If thats what you want to watch." "Yes, it is." We go inside because its getting dark and we want to start to prepare the movie. "Go get changed, I'll go look for the movie so I wont have to get it on neflixs" I grab my bag and go change into my 'pajama's which are just a pair of gray shorts and a white shirt tinted with gray. I walk out and Joey has the movie box in his hand. "Found it!" Joey said. "Great!" I say back. Joey is also changed, wearing no shirt and a pair of dark gray shorts. "You know....you look pretty cute in your pajamas" he says, comming to me, moving a peice of hair form my face. I blush up a little. Ok, alot. "Oh, stop it you!" I say back. "Its true" He said, pulling me into a kiss. We pull apart. "Hold on back, fella!" I say, smiling. "You like it, dont you!" He says, joking around. "Yes, yes I do" I say, honestly. "Oh..hehe" he says, blushing. He gets his cool together. "Then...how about we do it more often?" He says, smiling. I see what he's doing. "Yes, Joey, Yes." I say. "What???" He asks, a bit confused. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend" I say, smiling and even blushing a bit. "How did you know thats what I was trying to say?" He says. "You made it pretty obivious" I say. "Now, Lets go wach the movie." Joey is trying to stay cool, but I could tell that he was on cloud 9. I had to say, if anything was to ever make me happy, this would be it.  I have a boyfriend now! Wow! Then it hits me, I win! Well, I wasent trying to, I just.....did. Meghan wont be happy about this....Whatever, She can't do anything about this now! Joey said he will do everything he can to stay by me. "All set up!" He said. "Ok! Lets do this!" I put my bag to the side. "Here, you can sleep with me, if you want...." He says, blushing. "Alright, not like we havent before!" I say, smiling. He scoots over and I sit on the bed with him. He plays the movie and it begins. This movie isnt too bad to be honest, I only wanted to watch it because Joey would like it, but its not too bad.When were done watching the movie, we're both tierd. "You..Uhhh....Wanna go to sleep?" He says, sounding nervous. "Um, Ok, sure." I say, A bit nervous back. We both lay down. After about a minute, Joey puts his arm around me and I put my head on his sholder. He kisses my forhead. " I love you...." He said. "I love you, too..." I say back. "I really love you...alot." He says, softly. Before I get the chance to answer, I fall asleep in his arms. 

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