You can come to me for anything

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*Stacy's POV*

We walk outside with the nice mid-morning breeze. Me and Joey walk into his car, not saying a word. "So what did Meghan say?" he asked. "Could you have brought it up any quicker?" I snap back, putting my hand on my forhead. "I'm sorry" he said. "I just want to make sure your ok."  We pull up at his house. "C'mon, we can talk inside" he says. The thing is, I'm not ready to talk. I dont know if I'm able to say it to him without starting to cry or just ramble on. We walk inside and upstairs to his room. I hope this isnt awkwerd, like child guidence counceler awkwerd. Thats what it feels like. "Ok, Stacy. Just tell me what she said to you." I choak up. "Um,Joey. I dont know if I really want to talk about it" I say. I know I told him I would but I just dont think i can. "What! But you said-" he says annoyed. He cuts himself off, probaly relizing im upset, and walks towards me. "I'm sorry" he says to me.  "It's ok" I say back. I'm looking down, hoping that he dosnet see my blushing face. At the moment, I feel like a reck. I just feel like I cant be around Joey. I normaly always can be with him, but right now I just kind of want to be alone. Ugh, its too early for this. "Is it ok if i go home, Joey?" I ask. "Yea its ok....I just want to let you know that you can come to me for anything" theirs a moment of scilence. "I will" I say. I give him a small smile and he gives one right back. "I can drive you back, Stacy" he says. "I can walk". Its a pretty far walk, but its what I need. I go outside and start going. 

*Joey's POV*

I feel bad for Stacy. I dont belive she did anything wrong. My mind reaches Meghan for a moment. I dont think Meghan is a mean person, she is my friend. I know that unless Stacy is lying to me, Meghan did something to her. I dont think this is something she would lie about. I figure Meghan and David are probaly still out, so I wont call and ask her. I sit on my bed. I wonder what she could have said to make Stacy be so upset. I dont know what she could have said, Stacy is perfect. In my eyes, at least. I rememer where this day started. Me and Stacy waking up together. This isnt what I sould be dwelling on at the moment, but I cant help but to think back to it. I remember last night seeing her fall asleep. With her cute little tierd eyes. Those tierd eyes are now filled with tears. I wish I could get Stacy just to ell me everything, but it's not that easy. I want her to be able to trust me, but I dont know if she even could. I feel like if she told me what happend, I would go off and run to Meghan and yell at her. I know she probaly dosent want me to get involved, what good would I do? I'm just really confused. I remember  that I never vloged. I dont think I will be vlogging today, not right now, at least. 

*Meghans POV* 

I cant belive they left! I think I just need some time of just me and Joey. He hangs out with Stacy, he falls for Stacy. He hangs out with me, he falls for me. Maybe tomorow or such I will arange something for us. We will get chicken or something. I wonder if it worked with Stacy? I know it worked at that moment, but the point is for it to stick with her. I will do anything in my power to get Stacy and Joey to not be a thing. I will end up with Joey. I will have to try to impress him, wear something nice or something, I dont know if that impresses him. If it dose, I shouldnt worry about Stacy. The only thing I should worry about with Stacy at the moment is pity. I know I'm better then her. I just dont want Joey to feel bad and then fall for her. She is nothing agenst me. I should try to set a series with Joey or something to get closer to him. That wouldnt work, he's so busy. Busy haning out with her.

A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry this chapter is short, I thought it would be better this way! I wanted to clairify that I love Meghan and I love Stacy and I dont think Meghan would really ever be mean, I also think none of the things Meghan says or will say about Stacy are true, Meghan is the hater of the story. Hope you enjoyed! Emmygirl luvs u! <3

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