Mr. Cheeter face?

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*Joey's POV*

I got Stacy out as soon as they brought her to me. They found no major injories, she says her head hurts, though. We walk outide."Oh" I say. "What?" She asks. "I came with the ambulence....I dont have a car with me." "Ah, Joey!" She says, teasing. I call up a cab, I wasne t expexting that to happen. So, the cab cost 15 dollers and all we got was a cramped car and a driver that smeled like drrdse. We closed the slot."Sorry I ruined our date, Joey." She says, sadly. "You didnt ruin it! Meghan did, it wasne't your fault." She still looked sad. The driver pulled u in her house. We said our goodbyes. "Were for you?" The man asks. I think, I will go to Meghan's, give her a peice of my mind. I arive at her house, not exactly prepared to get angry at her, but it must do. I give a loud knock on the door and hope for a ansewer. She ansewrs, supprised. Greetings greetings...yadda yadda yadda, so she tells mr to come in. I decide to get straight to the point, no need for small talk here. "I know what you did.." I say, quietly. "What did I do?" She asks. "Don't play dumb with me, girl. I was told everything. I know what you did to Stacy. You hurt her, physicly, for once." She gasps. "You put her in the Hospetal, You know what you did and so do I." I see she was going to go about this sweet, but not anymore. I may get to see somewhat of the side of Meghan that Stacy see's. "And what are you going to do about it?" She says, unsurly. I see she dosent know to be mean or be sweet, but I see her plans. She was right, what was I going to do about it? I should've thought more of this through. "What do you even want, Joey?" She asks, putting on her mean act now. "I want you to stop being mean, and stop hurting Stacy. I say, trying to mock her mean tone. She laughs. "have you not caught on to anything, Joey? What do you even know, you probaly dont know the half of it" Shes right, I probaly dont, but I'm pretty sure I do. "Tell me, tell me what I exactly do to her" There is a pause untill I speak. "Well, you have pushed her, like today, you have said mean things, not exactly sure what....Oh you called her ugly once she told me, which is NOT true..." I trail off. "Thats it? Thats not the most that I've ever done! Try to get the rest out of her, now, thats a time." I was angry, she could see it. "Don't. Do. ANYTHING. To.Her." I say. "How about we....Make on offer? We forget this talk ever happend, and me and you act as Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Maybe a bit for the camras, out in public, and so." I was shocked. "What?! Why would I ever-" She cuts me off. "If you don't, That girl you 'love' will never be the same, I swear." I cant belive she is blackmailing me! I can't let Stacy get hurt anymore then she is, she's sad enough. I don't know what to say, I don't want to do it, but I can't say no, for Stacy's sake. "Um...o...ok. But I don't want to!" I say. "Oh, you've picked the right choice. Trust me, its better this way." I go to leave, she gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Better prepared, that dosent look like a loving face."  "Shut up." I say. "Thats not a romantic couple" She puts her head on my sholder and walks me out. I get in my car and start to drive. What have I done?

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