What A Moey?

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*Joeys pov*

Its been a day since that whole thing with Stacy. I'm kind of scared to try and talk to her,but I feel that its going to get done sometime. I've been feeling a bit un easy since then, I don't know why. I just hope things are still cool between us. I was on twitter and I seen a message from Meghan, it reads "Hey, Joey! Wanna hang out? Maybe go shopping or something?". I don't know what to say, I just wanna be alone right now, but maybe hanging out with Meghan will get this off my mind. I write back "Sure, Meghan! Can we go to that shop on the side of the mall?".

Meghan and I are outside the grove, going to find somewhere to get some lunch. We go into her car, and start to drive. "Joey, when we get to the resturaunt, can i talk to you?" Meghan asks me. "ok,sure. Whats wrong?" She dosent answer. I wonder what she has to tell me...I hope shes ok.

*Meghans pov*

Me and Joey just had a meal at this resturaunt we've never herd of,  its pretty good. I think for a solid moment, I wonder if i should tell him I like him or not, I told him i had somthing importent to tell him, I dont think I can back out now. I just dont want him to end up with Stacy. I know how mean that sounds but, if hes in a relationship, it would be A LOT harder to get him woth me then to when hes single. I think this is going to be a hit or miss shot. If i tell Joey i like him, and he likes me we could get together, but Stacy would probaly hate me or feel awkward. And if I tell Joey i like him and he dosent like me, then things will be weird with us and we might not be able to be friends! And lastly, if i tell Joey I like him and he likes Stacy, then two friendships ruiend! Well...I think its over with Stacy anyways...I start to suck it up and just tell him. "Joey, can we talk outside?" i ask him, freaking out. "ok,lets go." he says . We walk outside and i try to stay calm, but its not working. "Ok,Joey...I have to tell you somthing very importent,but i dont know how to say it" I look up at him. "Its ok girl! Just spit it out!" Just spit it out? He wouldent want me to 'just spit it out'. I staighten my face and say, "Joey Graceffa, I like you. Like, 'Like Like' you."

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! How do you think Joey will react? I belive i will be updating later today, so stay tuned! Also,sorry this chapter is so short, I thought it would be better this way! BYE! ^.^

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora