Hugs Are Power

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*Joey's POV*

I can't belive Stacy! She cant control who I hang out with! I'm so angy at her! Why would she even call me? Ugh, she is just annoying me so much. I grab my phone. It has open twitter, in which I see Meghan's tweet that was directed to Stacy. All of the sudden it all clicks. Everything from these past weeks. Stacy hasent done anything to Meghan but call her out on me. I did say I was with her; on her side, but I dont know what happend when I was with Meghan. I all of the sudden feel a bit bad, not too bad since she was the one raging on me, but I dont want her to be upset. I figure I might call her back. I dial her number and wait for the phone to pick up, it takes a while, but she picks up. "Hello?" she says. I can tell shes been crying, I can hear it in her voice. "Hi...Stacy" I say back to her. Hearing that tone in her voice just makes me sad, I cant stand it. "I'm really sorry for what I said, Joey. I really am. I was just upset because Meghan sent me some text that just said a ton of things and I got really upset and angry and I took it all out on you....I'm really, really sorry.". I can tell she is sorry. I can hear her tear up a bit. "Stacy, Im sorry too. I shouldent have said anything that I did. I know what you're going though and I am on your side. I didnt want to make you anymore upset then Meghan already dose." at this point, I want to cry aswell.  We go on for a bit then we leave. I really wanna make Stacy happy again. But I really dont know what would do such a thing anymore. 

*Stacy's POV*

I'm standing here infront of the mirror, trying to get a look of how people see me.  Right now isnt the time to do it, though. My eyeliner has run down and is on my cheeks. My face is red, my eyes are also red, and I just look like a wreck all over. I might try to take a nap, but I know I would never sleep. Instead, I lay on my bed, looking at the ceailig. I want to get Meghan back, I want to get her back hard. I'm not normaly like this, but I just cant help it. I want her to feel some struggle. She's upset too, I get it, but she is more angry then upset, and I would nerver go this far deep in.  I would do anything to go back when things were ok, when I wasent scared to leave, or even be in, my own home. I belive I have Joey on my side, I'm hoping at least. I think about what I could do to stop it. It isnt like no third grade bully story, I cant tell anyone but Joey, I trust him. I never wanna leave my home again. I never want to go on the internet ever again. I love it, but if anyone red the tweets Im getting at the moment, you woul see what I mean. I mean im getting messeges about me being pregnet, thanks Meghan. There is even a rumer that its going to be a boy and I'm naming it Kyle! Insane! I go and sit down on my bed, tierd of looking at myself. My phone is flooded with texts. I put it down, not reading a singe one of them. I try to zone out of everything, enter another world of my imagination. A world were everyones happy, I'm with Joey, and theres lots of puppys! I wish I could be with Joey, but next to Meghan? What shot do I have? The only thing I have agenst her is that I havent been a big meanie to anyone. You know, I want one thing at this moment, I would really like a hug. Hugs are great. They make you feel loved, wanted almost. I closed my eyes, I image getting a nice tight hug from Joey, hes hugging me and saying everything is going to be ok, even if I know it isnt. 

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