Just In A Parking Lot Don't Mind Me

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*Stacy's POV*

To be honest, I was a little...I guess you would say....uneasy about Meghan. She hasn't said anything in a while so I am a bit worried. Nothing I should be majorly concerned about, I do know I have Joey. Joey looks at me with a bit of concern. I really don't want his pitty right now...I really never did. I never straight out told him 'Hey Joseph! Come hug the life out of me!', he just kinda did it, and I kinda just went alog with it...Knowing this could possibly be my only chance of someone loving me.  

*The next day*

I wake up to see Joey working on a box. "Hey" I say, sitting up. "Ah, good morning Stacy" He says.  "What are you doing?" I look around, nothing looks diffrent.  "Nothing, you weren't up yet so I got to work on a box, why are you awake so late?" I look at the clock, 11:25. "Oh, I have no idea!" I say sprinting up. "Somewere to be?" He asks. "No, I just like to be up and ready." I go and get dressed and meet him back out. He finished with the box. I get a text. 

Meghan: I seen what Joey said to me

What did Joey say to her?

Meghan: Can we talk? Like irl?

I repond this time.

Stacy: Yea no

Meghan: C'mon, I just need to talk to you.

Stacy: Really can't

Meghan: Stacy, I know were you are

Stacy: I moved

Meghan: I still know....Just come meet me at the The Griddle parking lot.

I get a bit..A lot worried. I don't want her to...just show up. I think I will meet up with her. I look up from my phone to see Joey looking at me. "I'm going to....um, get going. I have to get somewere." I say. He looks me in the eyes. "Okay...." He says. I nod and head into the bathroom to put on makeup and change my clothes. When I walk out, he's looking at me, but I don't say anything to him.  I walk out to my car and start driving to the griddle. My hands start to feel weaker as we get closer. When I pull in, I see Meghan waiting for me outside. By then, My hands were really shaking. I try to hold them still, then walk out and come up to Meghan. When I reach her, I try to not look as itimadated as I feel. "Hi there, Stacy." She says to me. "Hello" I say back. "Heard about the new lover" She says. I say nothing back. "I told you, Stacy. I told you to back off...Don't say I didn't warn you." I say nothing. "Going the silent route, eh? I've told you that you don't have a chance with him!" She says. "Well, I mean, Im pretty sure I don't need 'That Chance' because he is my boyfriend." I say back at her. "He won't be with you forever, once he gets over all this pity, He will relize what you really are, your ugly, fat, stupid and much much more." She snarks. "You wont tell me anything I don't know, Meghan. You can't hurt me."     "Oh, no matter what you say, You know it hurts, I know it hurts, your not hiding anything." "You'll do anything to mess with me, hu." I say, looking her in the eyes. "Good knowing we're on the same page." She looks me right back. "You know, you have the deppresion girl almost set, your just missing the anorexic body and the arm cuts, take that into considaration." She says. "Will do" I say. She smiles a devilish smile. "Glad we had this talk" She say. "Yea okay" I say, walking away to my car. I get in before she could do anything else and drive away. To be honest, I was a little...sad. I mean, its not like what Meghan said makes me have some big life relization, I just....well, heres the thing, when Meghan first said something to me, I would dwell over that. But now when she does, its more of a self conflict...Its more my own words that hurt me more then hers. Once I get home Joey trys to ask me what I was doing. "I was just simply out." I say. He looks at me with disbelif. "Stacy, tell me...I will find out." He says back. "It was really nothing!" Im looking down at the floor, holding my arm.  Joey comes up to me, pulls me arms apart an looks down them. "Joeseph...I would never..." I say. "But I know you would" He says back. I look off in the distance. "You can't" He says. 

"Wouldnt say that if I were you"

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