A Lot Can Happen In A Text Message

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*Joey's POV*

        I open my eyes up. "Stacy?" I say. Shes not up next to me like she always is. This slightly confuses me, untill I hear the shower running.  "Stacy is a morning shower person" I mumble to myself while getting out of bed. I get dressed and head to the kitchen to make a smoothie. I didn't feel like doing my hair at that moment, so I put a simple snapback on.  I step into the kitchen and go ahead and make two smoothies, one for me and one for Stacy. I sit down at our small dining table and look on twitter while taking sips of my smoothie. Just then, I see Stacy come into the kitchen. "Hey Joey" She says sitting down with me. "Hey girl, made you a smoothie, here." I slide her the glass. "Oooo, wonderful! Thanks Joey!". I smile at her. She smies back. We just kind of extange smiles for some time untill inturupted  by a buzz on my phone.

Meghan: Heard that Stoey had bit of a night out last night

Meghan? Why Meghan? She stil hasen't given up on this shit yet? 

Joey: C'mon, you're really not over this all yet? You can't do anything to harm us anymore.

Meghan: Oh, you don't know that

Joey: Why do you even bother? I don't like you, we all know that. I have a girlfriend for damn sake! 

Meghan: I don't care, you liked me before. At least enough were I might have been able to convince you to. Then she just comes into the picture and messes everything up. Your relationship with her, its all pitty. She needs codiling and you give it to her. she doesn't love you, she just loves the way you treat her.

Joey: Thats not true, Meghan. I know she loves me. Now get out of here with your little stories.

Meghan: Alright, whatever, just keep in mind that I have plently more tricks up my sleave. I know how to mess badly with you guys, just see. Wish you luck, you're going to need it. 

Okay, I don't know if it was the look on my face that gave it away, but Stacy goes "Joey, are you alright?".  I feel my face get hot, her inoccence only makes it worse. "Me? I'm fine, great." I stutter. "Yeah, Joey, you are a really bad lier. Whats actualy wrong?". My eyes go around the room, I don't wanna worry her. "It's nothing Stacy....really...". She looks at me annoyed. "Joespeh, do you understand how often I use that exuse, you're not fooling me.". I sigh and hand her my phone. Her eyes grow wider as she reads through it. A look of panic comes across her face. "No! No......This is why I didn't wanna show you..." I say. She doesnt move. "Holy crap..." she says. I put my hand on her shoulder. "It's okay...We don't know what she will do.". "Joey, thats the problem; we don't know what she can do, she could be watching us right now for all we know!" She starts tearing up near the end. I put my arm around her. Clearly, I am not that good with advice. Well...Thinking about it, how did she know me and Stacy went out last night? I didn't vlog about it, or even tweet it.....

    *Stacy's POV*

        I put my head into Joey's shoulder; he's holding me tight. "It might be nothing....It could just be something to get us worked up..." He pleads. I wipe my eyes. "I don't know, I just don't know anything anymore Joey....". He stands up and I stand up with him. He gives me a hug. "It's okay Stacy, try not to worry about it. If anything does happen, I'm here, and we will go through it together". I crack a smile at him and we split off into diffrent directions. 

        I'm in the bedroom folding the laundry, I always seem to clean things when my nerves are up or I need to take my mind off soemthing, I guess thats why you could say my old apartment was so clean. Joey is editing a video in the living room I think. "I love our house" I mutter to myself.  I smile a bit. Meghan can't ruin us, she can mess with me, and that will mess with Joey, but no matter what, we will withstand whatever it is she has to offer...I'll make sure of it. 

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now