A Party Gone Wrong

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*Day of the prom*

*Stacy's POV*

Okay, so me and Joey are going in a hour, and being honest, Im kinda freaking out. Joey has his suit layed out and I have my dress in my hands. "You nervous?" I ask Joey. "No...I dont know what I am really. Its not scared...or pure exsitment....I guess a bit of worring..I dont know what-" "Anxiety" I say, cutting him off. "Its anxiety" I say once more to him. "Minor, nothing much, its not going to ruin your night. By the looks of it, should be gone by the time we get there." I smile and nuge him on the shoulder. He laughs. "I dont know why you cant follow simple instructions but you can give them...." He says, goggleing. "Hey! Shut it you!" We both start laughing.

We both get dressed and then we bloth stand infront of the mirror doing our hair. Joey puts down his hair brush and puts his arm around my waist. "Look at us" He says. "Just look, a couple, going off to a prom." I smile at him. He smiles at me.  "We should probaly get going" Joey says. I nod and we walk outside and call a taxie. Its 5:23 in the eavning. Its really windy for LA, biut I dont really mind. Our taxie comes and we go in, Joey gives the manthe adress. One thig I dont like about taxies are that there REALLY small, like, if I was alone, sure come pick me up taxie, but me and Joey are a difrent story. With that said, me and Joey are practicly leaning on one another. "We're really close together" I say. "No shit sherlock" He says back. He laughs at me. "Nervous?" He asks. I open my mouth to respond. "Scratch that, I know your nervous" I give a nervous smile. "No need, Stacy, you'll be fine" He puts his arm around me. Soon enough, we arive. Me and Joey are standing outside the place were it is held. We are only a few minutes after the opining time, but its booming. We can hear music from outside the door. "Ready?" He asks. "Ready" I say. "Oh wait!" He yells. I look at him, confused. He pulls out a little box. "For you, my lady" I open it. The box contains a little white flower, a corsage, one of thoese things a boy sometimes gets a girl at prom. "Oh Joey! I love it! Thank you!" I say. "May I" He says, his hand out. I hand him the flower and he adjust's it onto my dress. I blush up and smile. "Can I escort you in?" Joey asks, arm out to lock with mine. "It would be my honner" I say, locking arms with him. We open the door, the place is pretty full, and I know thats not everyone. Theres music, tables,drinks and more. I dont really know how I feel about it, though. I look around to see who is here at the moment. Me,Joey,Cat,Tesssa,Evilina and some more. I know Meghan will be walking in soon, but I dont really wanna think about that right now. Joeys friend, Shane Dawson, comes up to us to greet Joey. "Hey Joey!" He says, highfiving Joey. "Hey man!" Joey says. Now, this is what Im not looking foward to during this party. "Is this your girlfriend?" Shane asks. Joey nods. "Yea! Shane,Stacy. Stacy,Shane." HE puts out his hand for me to shake, I do it. "Looks like you two got yourselfs....locked up there" Shane says, and then laughs. "Yea," Joey says. Shane goes away. "We'll probaly be doing a lot of introducing today" Joey says. "Oh great..." I say.  Now here is what I dont understand about partys, what do you do? Talk to your friends? Problem is, Im a small youtuber with a big boyfriend, no one is really 'My friend' Or enough to want to talk to me at parties while others are there. One of Joey's friends who I cant identify, comes and trys to pull him over. "I'll be right back." He says. I nod and go sit down. I hate this. I hate this I hate this I hate this. I said I would'nt have a panic attack here, but thats out of my reach by now. I try to keep anxiety levels low, I tell myself that no one even notices Im here, no one cares, Im just a taken seat. Which in a way, makes me feel better. I sit back and watch Joey, watch the crouds everywere. I really just wanna go home, but I want to stay here for Joey. If I say Im going, hes comming with me, and I dont want to do that to him. It got worse. I bet your thinking: How can things get worse while your sitting in the corrner not socializing with anyone? Well, that can be done when the eye of evil Meghan Camerena walks in (Okay I mean shes not 'The eye of evil' but it sounded cool and Im in a panic attack so give me a break). Well she walks in and Im hoping she doesent see me. Im in the dark correnr. Then, I see her slowley move her head and stop, locking eye contact with me. She starts to walk over to me, with a grin on her face. I can feel my anxiety fill up. She's far away, but shes comming to me, no doubt about it. I move my eyes and look around, no way to really get out of this not looking like an idiot. I remain still. I panic to the point were I know I need some form of action. Without really thinking, I go over to Joey, almost running, to tell him whats up. He's talking to a bunch of his friends. I come up next to him. "Stacy h-" I cut him off. "Meghans here" Im wispering, probaly loud enough for Joeys friends to hear. He looks at me. "We knew that, Stacy" I look at him. I must look scared or something (Which I am) Because he comes with me. "Sorry for talking you away from your friends..its just th-" He cuts me off. "Yea,Yea, I understand.  Your scared, anxiety, lalala" He sounds annoyed. "Im sorry! I dont wa-" "Wanna be all touchy feely? Well you are, And Meghans not even comming over here," He's not happy. "Its probaly because-" "Yeah, I get it Stacy" Then I hear him muter something under his breath. "Im going back to the gang" Joey says, leaving my side. I cant help but feel sad. I see from the corrner of my eye, Meghan laughing and looking at me.  On top of all that, My heart is beating and my breathing is getting faster. I wanna run away, sit outside and cry, but I cant. I know Meghan is there, probaly would laugh and tell all her freinds about how much of a freaking loser I am. Me and Joey never had a real fight like that. I see Meghan comming twards me, looking into my eyes once again. She reaches me and I feel....I feel like somehthing I cant describe...A over load of anxity and fear. "Oh no, look who we have here, little miss Graceffa" I dont say anything. "Looks like you and your boyfriend over there got into a bit of a fight...I see that he wont be comming back here for awhile...." The only thing she can hear from me is the sound of my heartbeat. "You know Stacy, theres been something I've been wanting you to do since this whole thing happend...somehting to complete the deppresed girl look of yours...." She walks uncofterblely close to me and makes me back into a door. She opens the door and we go in. She closes and locks the door. In the room there is a table and three chairs. Meghan sits in one of them. "Sit down" She says. I stay standing. "sit down" She says again. I nod and sit down. "Now, before I do anything, I need you to close your eyes, not do anything...." I keep my eyes opend. "Closed" She repeats. No action form me. "close your god damn eyes before I close them for you" I close my eyes, in pure fear. She straps down my wrists. then she straps down my elbows. "Okay, now open." She says. I look down at my arms. I cant move them out of their place. "Now, before I do anything, I want to let you know that I have given you many oppritunites to do this yourself, but you never took it opon yourself to actualy do it." I look her in the eys. "Why..." I say. "Oh look! It talks!" She says, pepply. "Well, get ready!" She says. She goes through her bag and takes somehting out. I finaly know what she is going to do to me. 

Shes going to cut me.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora