First Meal In The Stoey Household

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*Stacy's POV*

I am probaly having the worst experience of my life. Im crying into his shoulder. He's trying to cheer me up, but I can't hear him over my tears. I do catch one thing he says, "Its alright, lets...just start to unpack. Forget about it...". "......Ok....but you should'nt starve..You go out, I'll stay here and start to unpack." He looks at me. "I'll be back" He says. He takes his keys and goes outside.


Joey comes back, not even 15 minutes later from when he left. I have only unpacked a few things and set them up. Our house now has junk all over the floor. "I'm back!" Joey says, walking in. "Hello there! That was quick" I say, not looking up from the box Im working on. "I got someting for both of us! So we can enjoy our first meal in our new home". I turn to him. He sits down next to me and doesn't give me a chance for me to answer. "Here" He throws me a wraped up sandwhich. "I....I...Thanks..." I say to him. He smiles. "Oh, and here" He throws me a mini carton of low fat chocolate milk with a straw taped to it. "Thanks" I say again. I open up the sandwhich, I don't care about what its made of, I'm starving. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning, now its 4:00 PM. Joey smiles at me. "What?" I say laughing. "Good job" He says, and smiles at me. "Thanks..." I say. I laugh a bit. It felt nice, I never get a 'good job',from anyone, if anything, I mostly get a 'Its ok'. Me and him sit on our floor, eating sandwitches and drinking milk. He scoots over next to me and puts his hand on mine. "Is'nt this nice? Me and you, sitting on the floor of our house, having our first meal" "This is wonderful" I say. "Pretty proud of you, takes alot to face something like that after...what happend." He says. "To be honest, Im still pretty uneasy about all of this, but Im ok now, im sure of it." I smile at him. Its silent for a moment. "Glad your not worried about looking like a fat ass in front of me" He says, laughing. "Oh no, I am still. Don't take it as a bad thing, its more of...a compliment. It means Im trying to impress you." I say to him. "Well you're doing a hell of a good job, Im surely impressed." I blush up a bit. "Is that a complement too?" He asks, sarcasticly. "Um...Is it a complement when I cry?" I ask, also sarcasticly. "I take it as a compliment. Like when you cry on my shoulder, it shows me that your trusting me." I've never thought of it that way. After that, me and Joey were working on unpacking some stuff. We don't acctualy have like, a dresser or anything, so our clothes and other stuff we would keep in a dresser are just on the floor. "LOOK AT MY MAN UNDIES" he says, in his 'man' voice. "There wonderful" I say, trying to change the topic off my boyfriends underwear. "Haha, yes, yes they are." Joey says. "Joey, its late, lets go to sleep." I say. Its 11:41 PM at night. "Yea, lets go to sleep in our one bed" He says, laughing. "Awkward..." I say, also laughing. We both get a small, overthrow blanket that we brought from our 'homes'. We both first sit on the bed. "C'mon, were going to get nowhere like this" Joey says, laying down and putting his blanket over himself. I slowly join him. I lay down and put my blanket over myself, mostly covering my mouth. "You always lay down like that?" Joey asks, giggling a bit. "Apparently. I think its...stimulating, one would say." I tell him. I was never really sure of why I do this, something along the lines of trying not to feel fat, as it all comes down to that at some point. "Well, this one says you look super cute like that, like...a shy little monkey." I laugh. "Is that a compliment? If so, thank you." I say. We sit there chatting (AKA flirting) with one another until we decide to try to sleep. Also, this bed isn't to big, probably fits a mother and a small child. Well, point is that me and Joey are laying very close to one another. Not really like 'laying on top' of one another like it was in the house dealers car, but like, close enough for us to keep bumping into one another. After awhile, me and Joey are still not asleep. We're not like, talking or anything, just not sleeping. For so I think. "You still awake?" I ask Joey. "Yea. I think it has to do with not being in a normal surrounding, without doing normal actions." He says. "Yea, I can't sleep too" I say. Its silent for a moment. "Can I- uh, put my arm around you?" He asks. "Um....ok???" I say, blushely. He puts his arm around me. "Can I.....Put my head on your shoulder?" I ask. "Of course! I mean- uh yea." He says, laughing at the end. I put my head on his shoulder. I tense up a bit, Im not sure why. Thats the thing with anxiety, it tells you want you want, like putting my head on Joey and him having his am around me doesn't really make me..really nervous I guess you would say. But its telling me no. I know Joey felt me tense up. "Did I do something? Are you okay?" He asks, out of no were. "Oh, Joseph, you did nothing wrong. And yeah, I think Im fine." I say. I know Im not 100% fine, but I wont start like, crying. I might stay tensed up or such. He looks down at me. "Your a cutie when your sleepy" He says to me. "Ditto for you" I say.

Then we fall asleep.......

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin