Dress Shoping

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*Stacy's POV*

Okay, to be honest, I would only do this for Joey. His compliment, Yes, made me feel better at the moment, but did not change anything in my head. He smiled at me. "Its going to be great" He says. I smile at him but im not happy, even now, I get flusterd with anxiety.  I've never liked dresses, anyways to be honest. Even being little I never liked the sterotypical girl stuff. Maybe at like age 15 or what not. But now, with anxiety, evry little thing is worst then the next. Leaving our home is a nightmere for me, I dont really ever leave without Joey. I wish I could. I wish I could be able to walk out of my buble, escape and be happy in this world. This world fulled of hate and despair. I wish I could go out, walk through the streets, happily prance along parks, and see the world for more then just hate and anxiety. He lets go of me. "This is going to be awesome! Everyone is going to be there! Cat, Grace,Britney,Shane,Lisa,Benny and Ralfie, EVERYONE!" He goes on. Well, he clearly was not thinking that I hate large groops of people. "Is Meghan included in 'Everyone?'" I ask. He stays silent. "Didnt think of that, Did you?". "Stacy, your not going to go only because Meghan is going?" He pleated. "No, I'll still come. Its just....Its just....You know, I dont like large groups of people, exspecisly when they include Meghan." He looks at me. "You cant let people hold you back from life, its stuff like this that is to valuable to miss!" He says, try to change my mind. "Put yourself in my head, and get back to me on that" I say, moving away from him. "Im sorry, Stacy. Are you upset?" He asks, comming to me. "No, no Im not, Just give me some thime to think about all this, put my head in metal astate before we go out doing all this, Okay?" I say. "Alright, but please don't dwell on it so hard, you wont ever do anything if you do that." He responds. I nod and go sit away, thinking about what he told me.

*Awhile after deep thoughs go around Stacy mind*

I go back to Joey, who is now sitting in the living room. "You alright?" He asks me. I sit down next to him and he puts his hand on my knee. "Yeah, I'm okay" I tell him. He smiles. "When is this prom anyways?" I ask. He looks into his phone. "Hmmm, let me see." A moment goes by. "Ah, yes, it is next Friday. Today is Thursday" He says. "So a little over a week." I say. "Yeah, I think we should get all of our stuff pre head of time, so we are all prepared and we arrent rushed." "Yeah, I guess thats a good idea". He smiles. "Should we both go out and get our stuff" He asks. "Seprete?" I say. "No, during a prom, you dont see the dates outfit untill the party" He says. "But Joesephhhhhh, I need an opinin other then mine that just goes 'No no no, stupid, no no no no'. It will be fun!" I say it will be fun to only get him to come along, I know I would never come home with a dress wihtout him there. "Yea, your right! We live together anyways so I guess that would be pretty hard." We laugh. "Should we go today?" He asks. "Suree, lets go get dressed." We both get dressed, Do our hair, and I put on my makeup. Me and Joey go into his car and he drives us to some fancy place with suits and dresses in the windows. "I dont think everything here is super facy, they just do that to draw you in." I nod and we walk in together. The lights are all white, and on facy chandeliers. Everything in the walk in is facy, we can see over in the other direction the party dresses and such. "Wait, what kind do we need?" I ask. "Im not sure, I feel like we dont need to get you a big long dress, the party is probaly just going to be like a regular party, not a fancy party. " He says. Me and him walk over there, looking through the dresses on the lines. Being honest, they looked awesome, but everything looks aweosme on the racks. Joey can see that Im having a hard time picking something out. He comes up to me, holding a dress. "What about this one?" He asks.  The dress is pretty nice. Its a light green with sparkes across the waist band. I dont say anything and look at it, I dont really have much of an opinion on it. "Go try it on" He says. I go into the womans changing room, which filles me with anxiety because there are lots of people in there, and Joey can't come in with me. I walk into a changing booth. I change into the dress and turn to the mirror. I hate it. Well, I never look into the mirror and go 'I love it!' but this wasn't well. I felt like the dress made me look unflatering, not like I was flattering to behin with, but I dont like it. Its pretty tight, too. This is why you dont let Joey pick out your clothing.  Well, I know Joey wants to see me in the dress, but heres the ting. Not being confidint of what you look like infront of large groups of people without your boyfriend is a hard thing to face. I wish I can just smuggle him in with me. I walk out, holding my head down and I walk up to Joey outside the door.  "Do you like it?" I ask. He looks at me. "Do you?" He asks. "Is that a no?" I say, compleatly iqnoring the question. He looks at me. "I dont think it looks...bad...But I dont think it looks good eaither." I laugh and he smiles, I laugh to show him its okay to actuaky give an opinion on it. I go and change. We keep looking for  dresses. Me and Joey both end up looking at one. Now, This dress is blue, its short, not too short though.Blue with a little belt. "Try it" Joey says. I drag him into the changing room with me, we get some looks but I need him here, He understands.  He waits outside the stall door as I change. "Can I see now?" He asks. I let him in. "You look....You look stunning!" He says. I smile a big smile. "Really?" I ask. I always felt good when he said something like that to me, it was just too sweet. "Yes! Oh my gosh, Stacy! We found the one." I give him a hug. "What was that for?" He asks. "For being the best. For always being the best" I say. Then, we both wrap our arms around one another and go into a nice, cute hug.

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