Video Time

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*Joey's POV*

The devious look on her face worrys me. "What could you have planed, you wouldn't hurt a fly". She stays quite. "Joey, I know what I'm doing" Stacy says, grabbing her vlogging camera. "Don't get ahead of yourself, babe, try to put some more thought into it, you don't wanna mess yourself up." I say trying to calm her down, even if I'm the more worried one. She's not worred, there is no sign of fear on her face. "Joey, she's already thrown me under the bus as it is, I can't really make it any worse.". She has a point, Meghan really outdid herself this time, but I can't see Stacy making it any better. "Just let me do this" She says. I nod. "Okay...Do you want me to come with you?" I ask, trying to be as conferring as possible. "I would like to do this alone if I may..." I frown. "No, Joey, it's nothing like that, I just don't think it would be best for me to record with you, I know I would just break down with you there." She responds. I put my hand on her shoulder and pull her into a hug. Once we release I ask her what she plans on explaining in the video. "Okay, so I'm going to explain what has happened within the past few months. Kinda just poor out all the feelings I have kept away from the Internet. That's why I can't have you with me, I'll cry enough myself. I know we both wouldn't be able to handle everything." She takes a breath. She looks me deep in the eyes. "Alright" I say. We both nod at each other. "Good luck".

*Stacy's POV*

I take back my camera and head to our bedroom. I take a deep breath as I turn it on. I will not be re watching this, nor editing it. I know I won't wanna upload it if I do. "Um...Hello" I start off. "There's been a lot of confusion lately, well today, about Strawburry17's new video...and um...I just wanna tell anyone still willing to watch this, what has been happening for the past few months with me and my life.". I go over every little detail. Everything from the day at The Griddle when Meghan told me she liked Joey to today when she made the video. Even the parts that I would never want to tell the Internet, like the day at the party and the first day Meghan started threatening me. Also, crying on camera. I would never cry on camera, but I just can't re watch this to edit it out, its going up the second I finish recording. "...And just... that's what has been going's hard to re think about everything that has happened...but I hope some of you guys understand what has happened here...Thank you all, bye.". I click off my camera and I plug it in my computer to upload it. I hope everyone understands, but it's not like anyone would listen to me, I'm just "Stacy" and she's "Meghan". I rub my eyes and just decide to walk out to be comforted by Joey. I open the door and he must hear the door open second of, because he comes running to me, hugging me tightly. "Oh Stacy! How'd everything go? Was it too bad? You where in there for so long and I just wanted to go in and check and.." He weeps out. "It's okay, I'm alright..." I say to him. He grabs ahold of my face and makes it in line with his. "Your eyes are red! Where you crying?! Oh baby!" he hugs me so tight that I think I would stop breathing. I hug back. because I really do need a hug after that. He seems so worried, I feel bad. He has been so much more emotional and scared since the YouTube party. I can't blame him. I know he is still torn from that night, he feels like it was all his fault. I try to assure him it isn't but he insists. He asks me 1000 things, making sure I'm ok, which is nice and all, and I appreciate it all, I more feel bad for him. I hope he's okay through this all, it's hard for all of us.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now