Casa De Stoey or Casa De Moey?

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*joeys pov* 

Today, me,stacy and meghan decided to bring the crafting dead back and to celabrate by comming over my house to play together. I have to say, i missed the crafting dead, not only for the game, but i get to hang out with my two best friends together! " Hello there, everyone! Welcome back to Casa De Stoey!" i say, meghan and stacy cheering in the back round. "thats right guys! were back!" says stacy. "and meghans here for the grand re-opening!" "whats up, guys?" she says. i think for a moment. "stacy we should do somthing to celebrate! " i exlame to her. "yea!" she says exsided. i move upstairs with my flint and steel, to my wonderful partner, stacys room. i lit it up. "boom. done celebrateing." i say to her. "oh, ok." . she goes to her room and screams. "JOOOOEEEYYYY!" "what? i was bringing the memories back." i laugh. 

We play for hours, at some point, we stop. "you guys wanna stick around fo awile?" i ask. They say yes, and we all sit around talking. I couldent be more happy!

*stacys pov*

tonight was lots of fun. I love playing the crafting dead with joey, and meghan i geuss too. I had to go home to make sure Molly and Page were ok, so tharts when we all called it a night. When i got home it was arount 11:30-ish so i fed Molly and Page and went to sleep. Today, when i wake up, i see a text from Meghan. it says "wanna go get pancakes?". Of course, who dose she think i am. I reply "yea, when you wanna meet up?". she says to meet up at 11, right now its 10:35 so i start to get ready. I dont dress to incredibly nice, but decent enogh to go out. I  grab my keys while brushing out my hair and hop into my car. While i am driving, I see meghan's car driving in front of mine, I tyr to wave to her a friendly wave but she dosent notice. Once we get  to 'the griddle' my favorite pancake place, and we meet up by the door. "Wow, stacy you got here right with me." she says. "Well i was right behind yur car.". We walk in and pick a seat. "So,what do you think your going to get?" i ask her. "i dont kno...maybe the strawberry pancakes" she repplies. When the waitor comes, Meghan gets the strawberry pancakes and i get the pumkin pancakes, no powderd suger. We hang out talking for a bit. It was kinnda nice, ust me talking to her. We got some nice talking to do. We eat our yummy pancakes and then she says somthing that confuses me. "what do you think about Joey?" she says, sheepishly. I dont understand what she means. Dose she mean if i like him? Do i like him? "What do you mean, Meghan?" i ask. " you think he's cute. The way he smiles, the way he laugh's, the way he sings?" I thought  about this in my head, the thoughts scrambiling about. I know i do like him, a lot, But i dont know if i should tell Meghan that. "Well.." i trail off. She gets this serious look on her face. "yea...." I confess. "I do like him. I do think he's cute, and sometimes, i wish he was mine." While im just standing there, blushing my face off, Meghan just remains still and serious, looks like shes thinking really hard. "Why did you wanna know?" i ask her, eagerly. "Because....." theres a short pause. "I like him, I want him to be mine..." she says this with her serious voice and face. "MINE" she says louder. I stand there, confusesd out of my mind. I wasent planing on this news. But she probaly didnt eaither. "I think i...gotta go,stacy...bye" she says, walking away to her car. I wait a moment till i drive home. I get home and i just sit and think how it might feel to get ready to tell somone that you like somone and they like the same person.  What was she going to do. She says that she wants Joey to be hers and she clearly stated it. I bet Joey dosent even like me. He could. But he could like Meghan too. But he wold probaly like Meghan more. I can only dream and hope for the best. But any day, if Meghan gets to Joey. Casa De Stoey  might no longer be Casa De Stoey. Joey and Meghan woud be presenting ' Casa De Moey'.

A/N:Hi everyone! I'm not dead! ive been trying to plot out this story for SOOOO LONG! but now know, i have a plot that i think is pretty good! I mght put up a chapter today and if not tomorrow. I really hope you enjoy'd this chapter of 'What A Stoey!" Tell me what you think in the comments!!!!!

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now