Page And Molly

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*Stacy's POV*

"That was so much fun!" I say as Joey opens up my side of the car door, offering his hand to me. He laughs. We just got back from a trip to the park, we sat on a blanket, ate lunch, looked at clouds. You know, cutesie stuff. Me and Joey walk inside. "Home sweet home!" he says. I look up at him and smile one of those sensual smiles. He looks back up at me and does the same. He keeps it on as he slips off my jacket then his own and puts it on the coat rack. Joey is such a gentlemen, well, minus the sensual smile. He holds his hands on the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss. As I move my hands onto his back he moves his hands onto my waist. We break apart but stay in the same position. He lys his head down on my shoulder, I do the same. A wave of shock hits me, as if it was on cue. I break away from Joey. "Where's Page and Molly!?" I ask. "I don't know" Joey says, obviously confused over why I just freaked out. I look around, I don't see them, I go in our room, the bathroom, the guest room, the guest bathroom, NOTHING! Joey checks all the rooms to confirm, and he doesn't see them anywhere. I look outside. It's still light out, so they're not out there. We look over and under every little nook and cranny, but they're nowhere to be seen. I start to panic. "It's alright..Don't worry, lets...go ask the neighbors. Maybe they seen them?" Joey says to calm me down. I shake my head nervously as I put on my coat and walk out the door with Joey. He has his arm around me. We knock on the doors up and down the block, all haven't seen anything. As we are walking back home, our across the street neighbor pulls into the driveway. We walk up to her to ask if she has seen poor Page and Molly. The second we make eye contact she goes "YOU TWO! I have something very important to tell you.". "Go on" Joey says. "There was some girl at your house, she looked like she was looking for you guys, she was looking in the window. I don't think she knocked, though. I seen her go around the back and not come out again, I figured one of you where home, you where there, right?". My eyes meet Joey's. "Meghan." we say, in unison.

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora