Date At The Peir

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*Stacys POV*

Its morning, me and Joey are awake, but still in bed together.  His arms are wraped around me, my head is on his chest. His fingers; going through my hair. He moves his hed down to look at me, I look at him and smile. "Hey" He says, smiling. "Why hello their" I respond. "Good night sleep?" I ask. "Its alwas wonderful having you sleep besides me" He's so charmistic sometimes. "What about you?" He asks. I just laugh, not a nervus laugh, not a haha funny laugh, laugh.  He stands up and I stand up with him. "Whats wrong" I ask. "Nothing!" He responds. I look ovr to him suspicusly then grab my clothes to take a shower.

*Joeys POV*

Okay, so toay I want to have a super romantic day with Stacy, I think Im going to bring us to the peir, its going to be great. So right now Stacy is in the shower, So I can rely on some time to do something quick. So, We are going to go later on, maybe at like 5ish 6ish. Its 9:30 right now. My heart starts pumping, Im actualy really nervous. I hope this can all go perfectly.

*Later on*

 *Stacy's POV*

"Okay Stacy, are you ready to go out?" Joey asks me. Right now its 5:35 and were going out to do something, Im not sure what. "Well, Im ready Joeseph, but can you tell me were we are going?"  He smirks. "We're going down to the peir." He finaly spills out. "Oh Joey! Thats wonderful!" . "I hoped you would like it....Its going to be great!" He hugs me.  We go into the car, Joey drives because he is such a gentelman (I know RIGHT? Who knew?) .

After awhile of driving, we finaliy have made it to the pier. We're far away from the actual event, but we can see it all. The feris wheele, thw boredwalk, the beach, the aquariam, everything. Joey opens the door for me "Well, someones feeling sweet today" I say. He laughs. "C'mon you" He extends out his arm, we lock arms. Are arms are intertwined as we walk up to the pier. I look down at the water off the side. Joey shoves me, just enough to scare me. "JOESEPH! You litte....." He starts laughing. "Not funny!" I say. He catches his breath from laughing. "Ah....Love you!" He says. "Shut up" I say, teasing.

We end our long walk, we have reched the peir. "Joey! This place looks AMAZING!" I say. "I knew you would like it" He says, smiling at me. We walk up to go look around.  Advritisments, Cheasy amusment park games, children runing around, the smell of the ocean, this is wonderful. Its 6:00 right now.

*Joey's POV*

Stacy seems to really like The Pier, you have no idea how happy that makes me. After seeing how upset she got with my dad, I knew her mind was not in the most happiest place, so, I wanted to...clear her up a bit. I wanted to take her on a date anyways. The smile on her face, its priceless, and she doesent even know what I have in store. I want to show her how much I love her, and I wont leave her.

*Stacys POV*

"OH MY GOD STACY WE HAVE TO DO THIS" Joey yells.  He runs to a carousel. "This?" I ask. I don't really know why he would wanna go on one of these. "Yeah! C'mon! It will be fun!" He grabs my wrist and drags me in with him. I go along, maybe it will be fun. We run onto a double-seated horse. Joey sits in the front and I sit behind him. I place my hands on his waist. "Shouldent this be the other way around?" He asks. "Well....." I smile as he looks back at me. The ride starts up. Little kids gasp and start laughing. "How is it?" I ask him, smirking. "Hey! It sounded cuter in my head...." I laugh. "Oh my god, look at them, dont you think their a bit too old to be on one of these?" I hear a mother say to a father. "Do they have kids wih them?" "I dont think so...".  Me and Joey give a look to one another. "Oh crap I think they see us" She says. Then, me and Joey, at the same time, put a smirk on our faces and wave. They look nervously at one another, then wave back. "Don't pay ny attention to them,its not worth it" Joey tells me. "I wasn't...".   The ride ends and we get up. "I wanted to do somethin cute but then those people ruiend it..." Joey says. "Whatever, lets just go away"  We walk away, go off soewere else. "I just want it to get dark...Then I think its time to do all the cool things, everything is saposta light up, its going to be fantastic." He says. "I hope...Well, what do you wanna do to pass the time?" Their is silence for a moment. "Lets go do somethig fun! Be children! How often do we really go do something like this? It will be great!" I look at him a bit uneasly. "Oh! Come on! Lets go!" He says. I laugh. "Okay, you have me in, I'll do anything." He smirks and comes close to me. "Trust me on this one, Stace".

*Later on*

Its dark now, Im wonderiing what Joey has planed.  "Look!" He says, pointing. Everything lights up everything, all the rides, all the stand, all the fence posts, everything. "Oh my gosh! This is amazing!" " knew you would like it..." He puts his arm around me. 

Me and Joey sit over at the dock. Theres not to many people around us, we're alone...alone with my love....    "So, how is it?" he asks. "I love it" I respond. He puts his arm around me. "Im happy you like it, I knew you would.". I put my head on his shoulder.  "Its so calm." I say. Then, Joey grabs my shoulders and fowards me twards the deep water of the Santa Monica Bay. "JOESEPH!!!!" I catch my breath. He starts uncontrolably laughing. "I swear Joey.....if you do that...." He smirks at me. "What if I did it?" He asks.  "I mean, if you DID do it, I would hope you would help me up and make something supre romantic up on the spot." I giggle.  "I mean....I would never....." I give him a look. "C'mon....why wpuld you think I would do that....?" He puts his hands on my shoulders, then lets go.  We both give each other a sweet look, a kind little inoccent smile. "Love you" He says. 

"I love you too"

What A Stoey! *Joey Graceffa and Stacy Hinojosa fanfiction*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя