58. Counting days

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I was in the kitchen baking pancakes as Elodie was drawing with Joe. They still got along amazingly, ever since Joe got home yesterday afternoon Elodie has been making him play with her. They had the cutest friendship.

After about ten minutes It was done and I placed the plates on the table. I called them for breakfast and they immediately ran to the dining table, clearly hungry.

"Hope it's good" I said as I sat down. Joe helped Elodie get onto the chair and she started eating right away. "What did you guys draw?" "Elephants and a fairy!" Elodie said with a bright smile on her face.

"Really? And how did it turn out?" "Oh it was gorgeous, Elodie really outdid herself" Joe smiled as he took a bite from the pancakes. "Mm, that's good. Are you excited for school today baby?" Elodie nodded, "The teacher said we would play with clay today!" She smiled widely as she stuffed her mouth full with food.

"That sounds like fun! You love clay, don't you?" "Yes I dooo, it's so sticky and messy" "You know what I like to do with clay? Put it on my hand and press against it so my hand print is on it" Joe said, making Elodie laugh. "I'm gonna do that!" "Let me know how it goes little one"

"Mommyyy, are you picking me up again todayy?" Elodie pouted, "No baby, Daddy will pick you up. I will pick you up again tomorrow, on Friday!" I said with a smile. "But I don't want to go to Daddy, he is meann" She pouted.

"How is he mean?" "He doesn't care what I want to do and makes me go on stupid walks with black haired witch" She crossed her arms and shook her head. "Heyy, don't be mean! I'm sure he cares about what you want El and if not just tell him to call Joe so Joey can pick you up, okay?"

She nodded, "otayyy" I smiled as I took another bite. After breakfast I packed Elodie's bag for school and got ready to go. Once we got to school she gave me a big hug and slightly whined she didn't want to go in.

"El, I will see you tomorrow, I promise." I kissed her forehead and gave her another hug. "Black haired witch!" She said as she pointed in a direction. I looked up and saw Kendall. I raised an eyebrow before looking back at Elodie.

"Go inside and have fun, okay? Remember what I said, if you want to come later just tell daddy to call Joey so he can pick you up" She nodded and kissed my cheek before running inside.

Once Elodie was Inside Kendall started walking my way. I didn't feel like talking to her, at all. I din't know what she wanted from me, I quite frankly didn't have anything that belongs to her.

"Tay" She said as she looked at me, her arms crossed. "That's Taylor for you" I said with a polite smile. "Fine, Taylor." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Look I don't know what you want and I don't feel like finding out. I have places to be so have a good day. Oh, and make sure I don't get to hear you were mean to my child again. I don't care what you do but don't involve my child."

"You can't kidnap her" she suddenly said. "She is my child, I still have custody over her. It's not kidnapping." "You should have told Harry" "Harry said he never wanted to hear from me again so I'm listening to him." She rolled her eyes. "Don't do it again, I'll take it to court."

I laughed, "You aren't Elodie's mother, neither are you her stepmother. You are just Harry's little puppet for a while until he doesn't want you anymore. So take me to court, go for it, I'm sure your little boyfriend would love it if you are the reason he can't see his child anymore. Let him know I'm taking her for the weekend by the way." I got into my car and drove off before she even got the chance to reply. Who did she think she was.


I pulled up to the school building and got out. I was ten minutes early. I looked around and saw a familiar car, I knew exactly who it was, Harry. I looked away and walked inside. I was here for my daughter and that's all I'm here for.

I walked to Elodie's classroom and knocked on the door. "Heyy, is it okay if I take El a little early?" the teacher nodded, "Yes, of course miss."

I smiled as I walked in and picked up El. "Mommy!!" she said excitedly. "Hey hun" I said with a smile.

I walked out of the classroom with her after thanking the teacher again. I put on her jacket and took her outside. "I told daddy I wanted to go to you but he said no" she mentioned as she slightly pouted. "He said no?" I said as I felt annoyed with him. He was being an asshole. She was my child too.

"El! Come with us" I heard a woman's voice call. I looked up, seeing Kendall hanging out of the window. I ignored them and put Elodie in the car. "Don't worry baby, you don't have to go to them until you want to go again" I said softly as I kissed her forehead. "Thank you mommy"

I wasn't going to be like him, if she wants to see them she can, if she doesn't want to see them then I won't force her to see them either.

All I know is that I'm keeping her with me until she wants to see them. He didn't even let her come here when she asked, that's messed up.


Okay another update, I'm obsessed with updating don't be surprised if I update again today... I know I don't write the longest chapters but that's because I want to keep it interesting and I feel like it would be boring if I just put in too many useless conversations. Also, hope u like that tay is standing up for herself

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