Chapter 18: Bonding

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"Pair, I'm telling you, it was like this canyon, and it had people shaped holes in the side of the walls ... with these virus looking machines, that I think helped to create the gems ..." Y/n told the little robot.

Pair processed all of the information, along with the stuff that Pearl had told Y/n, it was a complicated puzzle, but it seemed that they were starting to piece it all together.

The droid beeped, saying that they should visit the kindergarten sometime, scan the entire area for further analysis.

"I hear you, but its not like we'll get much, the soil was completely dead." Y/n replied, moving away from Pair and into the kitchen area so he could make himself some breakfast.

Pair beeped in concern, adding that it the way gems are made, might suck out all the minerals from the ground. "That would make sense yeah." Y/n nodded as he poured some cereal, adding in some milk so he could start eating.

Y/n shoved the food into his mouth as he sat there, thinking about everything that happened during the morning, it definitely gave him a deeper understanding of gems.

"That reminds me ..." Y/n started, finishing the cereal that was in his mouth. "I brought back some of the parts from one of those machines, nothing major, but some stuff that might be helpful to us in the future ..." Y/n took another spoonful of cereal.

"Have a look, they're in the workshop." Y/n told with a full mouth, earning a beep from Pair.

Y/n was quick to finish his food, putting the bowl away as he stood up, and stretched. "Whew! I gonna head into town, pick up some electrical parts ... I have a plan in mind." He said, grabbing a thick jacket to wear.

Pair beeped curiously, wondering what the idea could be. "Nothing concrete just yet; I have some cash on hand so I'll see what I can get first." Y/n told, waving goodbye to Pair as he walked out of the main room, and down the stairs.

Y/n breathed in the cold air as he stepped outside, from the hill he was able to see the entirety of Beach City, and thankfully there was a small hardware shop that was nearby. It wasn't anything impressive, but it should contain some of the electrical parts he would need for his idea.

He started his journey towards the hardware shop, it was cold, colder than he expected but since he was wearing his jacket it didn't matter.

Y/n passed a few familiar faces, each one greeted him as if he was a part of their community, their family. It was nice, feeling like he belonged, ever since he came to this timeline, it has completely turned his world upside down, from gems to human history being completely different to the time he once knew.

Y/n smiled, for some reason he was happy that he was here, in this small beach side town, surrounded by some pretty great people.

A chime played as Y/n entered the hardware shop, bringing him out of his thoughts. Y/n got straight to work, searching the aisles for some motherboards, wiring, and generally anything electrical.

His hopes were that he could create a drone or two, use it to scout, and map out the area better, instead of relying on Pair. Either way, after a while Y/n had managed to fill up a basket with many useful electronics.

Walking up to the self-checkout he paid, storing the good he had brought into a bag. He opened the door, and stepped out into the street, before he decided to head back, Y/n thought it might be a good idea to pay Steven, and the gems a visit. He was their neighbour after all.

Walking towards the temple, his eyes wandered to the ocean, after the encounter with Lapis, he could only hope that she was okay, Pearl had told him gems don't age, so it begs the question. How long was Lapis in that mirror? It was a question that Y/n didn't want to answer.

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