Update ... Things

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It's been a while hasn't it?

I apologise for not updating for a while ... Things have happened, life has gotten in the way, that sort of thing.

In fact, I'm not sure me or Cupcake will be continuing on with the fanfiction because of life, I've got a Masters to be studying for as well as pursuing my Martial Arts.

I enjoyed what we created and the support that everyone has given us! It really really means a lot, so I thought I should at least update everyone instead of just disappearing forever.

But who knows? We might return to finish it one day, if we have time and energy. People are welcome to continue the story themselves if they would like, that's not a problem.

But yeah, I am sorry for a lack of updates and now bringing it to a close.

In other news, I have a YouTube channel and a Tiktok dedicated to Martial Arts - Matt Collingwood, any support would be greatly appreciated!

I hope you are all doing well and have had a nice christmas.

I also hope you all have a great new year!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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