Chapter 60: Starting Construction

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"Where'd you learn that?" Y/n asked as he sat on the sofa next to Steven while Peridot was stood in front of them, demonstrating her new power.

"Me and Amethyst took her up to Funland, but when Amethyst tried to throw in that tablet I gave her she like ... discovered this." Steven informed as Peridot started to giggle since she was levitating the tablet in front of them.

"Yes, that place is aptly named I must add." Peridot nodded as she took the tablet back in her hands. "The place was indeed fun."

"I think that's the point." Y/n chuckled. "But it's good to see you learnt something new, I always knew you had something in you."

Peridot automatically starting sniffling at the kind words Y/n's spoke, causing her to close her eyes, and run over to Y/n, tackling him into a tight embrace. "B-but I didn't think this was possible ... I'm an Era 2 ..." She said as she stayed in the tight embrace, still managing to keep a hold of her tablet.

"It obviously is possible." Y/n said, rubbing up and down her back. "You said there was some sort of resource shortage? And it's affected the development of gems?"

Peridot sniffled. "Y-yes ... All Era 2 gems that have been created are always weaker than their Era 1 counterparts." She explained. "Even the higher-ranking gems like Garnets require addons to boost their skills."

"But you're one of the only ones that has unlocked their powers!" Steven jumped in.

"That's true Peridot." Y/n agreed. "How many Era 2 gems do you think have some sort of power?"

Peridot shifted a bit, but then quickly brightened up as she looked up at Y/n. "Not many!" She giggled, climbing off of Y/n, and standing in front of them again. "The great and lovable Peridot has become even stronger!!"

"Heh ... You are indeed Great and lovable." Y/n chuckled as he stood up, ruffled her hair, and then proceeded to walk over to the kitchen. "Steven, would you like anything to eat?"

"Yeah!" Steven cheered, but his excitement soon died down. "Oh ... I can't ..."

"Hm? Why not?" Y/n questioned as he looked back at him from the kitchen, but not bothered if he doesn't want to stay.

"I promised Amethyst I'd have some pizza with her ..." Steven rubbed up and down his arm. "I should probably get back now."

"Don't worry about it Steven, we can hang out more tomorrow." Y/n smiled, reassuring that boy that it was okay.

"Yeah!" Steven cheered again, his excitement quickly returning to him as it always does. "Well, bye you two! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Steven!" Y/n chuckled as he waved.

"Goodbye!" Peridot shouted at maximum volume because she could.

Y/n smiled at Peridot's lack of understanding for volume, but still it didn't bother him, so when she turned on the TV, Y/n got to work preparing some noodles for himself.

Since noodles were a relatively quick and easy meal to make, it didn't take him long to have a nice hot bowl of chicken flavoured noodles in his hand.

Y/n sat down next to Peridot, blowing on his bowl of noodles to cool them down. Nothing was said between the two as Peridot quickly switched over to an episode of Camp Pining Hearts.

"So much has happened since I've been gone ..." Rose spoke to Y/n, it was weird as it felt like she was right next to him, but he needed to remember he was speaking to him inside his head ...

"I never knew what it was like before." Y/n shrugged internally, he didn't speak out his words of course, that would just confuse Peridot. "Are you gonna be talking in my head all the time then? Or is this a one-time thing?"

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