Word count: 1000
I walk into the library. The librarian greeting me, I softly smile back. I walk to the study tables and don't see Jisung anywhere. Where can he be? I sit down and already take my books out. I waited a couple minutes maybe he's just a little late. Then I waited a little longer. I still reminded him this morning about tutoring. Maybe I wasn't clear about the place. I take my phone to text me when suddenly a bag dropped next to me followed by a panting Jisung. "I'm sorry I'm late."
"What happened?" I ask. "Well the guys wanted me to go with them but then I remembered we had tutoring today and then I had to run to my locker to get my books and now I ran from the other side of the school to here." He explains. "Well at least you're here so let's start shall we." I open my math book. Jisung takes his book out and another note book to write things down. "Do you maybe have a pen for me?" He asks. "You came to school without one?" I ask. "Yes I forgot this morning, I woke up late and I was in a rush. I even forgot my lunch and wallet so I had nothing."
"Didn't your friends get you anything?" I ask. "N-no. I actually said I'll be fine." He tells me. "Jisung if you're hungry just ask your friends and if they don't get you anything just come to me. I might be just your tutor but no one should be hungry." I tell him. "Sorry." He looks down at his hands. "Let's finish this quickly then I can get you something to eat afterwards." I tell him. "You'd do that for me?"
"Of course. But let's first study a bit." I say. I start explaining him everything and let him do a few simple exercises, I helped him when I saw him struggle. "I always go wrong with the same thing. Why can't I remember, I'm sorry." I look at him. "You don't have to be sorry, you're here to learn mistakes can be made and I won't get mad for that." I say. "But I'm wasting your time." He sighs. "No you're not. I'll explain it once again and then we'll make a few things together. And then you can try without my help."
Jisung nods and I explain it to him again, very detailed but simple enough for him to understand. "You get it now?" I ask. "Yes, I think so." He nods. "Okay we'll first do these 2 together then you can do these other 2 on your own." I say. "And remember it's okay to make a mistake." He nods before we start making the equations. When it was his turn to try on his own I see him looking at me a couple of times. "You're doing good continue." He was hesitant about it but ended up making them correctly.
"See you did it! I knew you could do it." I smile at him. Jisung was also really happy about it. "It's already late, we should get goi-" I was cut off by Jisung who kissed my cheek. "I... that was stupid of me... I have to go, thank you for tutoring, bye!" He takes his books and bag as he start running out. I quickly take my own belongings before running after him. "Jisung wait!" He stopped in the empty hallway of the school. He didn't turn nor look at me. "Jisung, please look at me."
He softly turns around. "I'm-" I cut him off. "Don't say sorry and stop running before I can say something." I walk closer to him. "But I really am sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I don't even know if you even have a boyfriend or not." He says. "I don't." I tell him. "But still, I shouldn't kiss you without permission." He sighs. "Let's go for a walk." I say, we walk out of the school and found our way to the park. "I am still sorry." He says.
"Jisung Park Stop saying sorry! You don't even have to apologise because that kiss I don't know if it was with real feelings but I like you so I was happy you did that!" I say. "You like me?" He asks in shock. "Yes." I calmly say. "I like you too." He smiles cutely. "I was just scared that you'd think I'm using you with tutoring so I could just be with you." I chuckle. "No I don't think so. Unless you really did." He quickly shook his head "no I'd never." I suddenly hug him. "W-What's going on?" He asks. "Just hug me back please." And he did.
"You're the sweetest and nicest and purest human being, would you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask him. "Yes of course!" He smiles happily, hugging me tighter. "Now let us get food, you haven't eaten since the morning." I take his hand taking him to a convenience store. "Y-y/n." I turn to look at him. "Yeah what's up?" I ask. "Our hands." He looks down at our hands. "Oh, you don't like it?" I ask. "Yes I do but... never mind." He was blushing. "You're shy aren't you? Cute." I coo. "Now choose whatever you wanna eat."
"Shouldn't I pay?" He asks. "Didn't you forget your wallet at home?" I ask. "Ah yeah, but I feel bad if you pay." He sighs. "Next time you'll pay then. It really doesn't have to be the man who always pays." I say. "Thank you." We got some snacks and drinks, I payed for it and we went back to the park where we ate and drank it all. "Y/n." We were laying down, I turn my head to face him. "Can I walk you home?" He asks me. "Sure." I smile at the cute act of him.
A/N: So um my aunt and mom are thinking of opening a store so I could work there in the weekends but they're not sure what type of store yet... my brain going to opening a kpop/manga store... they'll probably say no tho, but for the rest my life's very uninteresting lately

FanfictionOT23 imagines +requests: closed+ Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung