Word count: 999
I was watching a drama and eating some snacks when my husband arrived home. He took off his tie and shoes. "I'm back." He sounds tired, again, like always. He works 24/7 and barely has time for or with me. "Has there been cooked yet?" He asks but I was too focused on the drama. "Hello, I asked something. Ugh what are you doing again?" I paused the tv. "What?" I ask. "Is there dinner?" He asks me. "What time is it?" I ask. "10 in the evening." He tells me. "You come home at 10pm?"
"Does that matter? It's either I work at the company or I work at home." He tells me. "Alright." I wanted to continue the drama. "So is there food?" I groan. "No I totally forgot, I was busy." I say. "Busy with?" He asks. "This." I point at the flatscreen. "Again? I really don't get what you like so much about all these drama's." He rolls his eyes. "It's fun! You should just watch with me for once." I tell him. "No thank you, I'm going to cook. You want some?" He asks me. "Sure, thanks."
Kun cooked us ramen. "Come eat." He says placing the bowl on the dining table. "Can't we eat here for once?" I ask with a pout. "To create a bad habit? No thank you, come here." He says. I pout and cross my arms still watching tv. "Ugh you're such a kid sometimes." He groans and placed our bowls on the coffee table. "But you're sitting on the carpet eating at the table." He tells me. "Thank you!" I ruffle his hair. "Sorry." I know he doesn't like affection. Actually we're just married and nothing more, he's a cold ceo husband.
"Enjoy." He says. "Thank you!" I start eating while still watching the series. "What's with the masked people?" He suddenly asks. "They make sure no one cheats, if they do or they lose the game they well yeah die." I explain. "That's cruel." He munched on his food. "It's fun!" I smile. "And what are they doing now?" He asks. "So there's a figure in the dalgona and they have to like cut it out with a needle without breaking it." I explain. "What a game." He says sarcastically. "But you didn't watch from the start, it's really fun." I try to convince him. "Sure."
Kun got home, this time earlier than last time. "What are you watching?" He asks. "Vincenzo." I tell him. "Is it the same as last time?" He asks. "Nope. This is about the mafia." I tell him. "Did you eat already?" He asks. "Yes, there's food in the kitchen." I tell Kun without looking away. After he warmed it up he sits on the floor and ate his food as he watched with me. Does he like it? He always said it's a waist of time but here he is watching with me, it's strange.
"You want something to snack or to drink?" He asks me. "Tea please." He went to the kitchen, putting his plate away. He came back with some tea and some candy. "I didn't ask for that." I shook my head. "I know, but it's for me." He sits down and snacks as we watch the drama together. I look at Kun from time to time and he's getting more comfortable and more relaxed. It's like I'm watching a whole new person. "Is something wrong?" He asks. "Uh no nothing." I say and turn back to the screen.
I arrived home from lunch with my friends. Unlike the usual silence, I heard the tv playing. Did I forget to turn it off. I go to the living room just to see Kun. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "It's weekend, I decided I should just take some rest like everyone else at the company. How was lunch?" He asks me nicely. "It was good." I slowly sit down, suspicious about the situation. "You're not working?" I ask. "Nope." He shook his head. "Not wearing a suit?" I ask. "No, this is way more comfortable." He was in some sweats and a plain t-shirt.
"This. All of this right here, it doesn't fit in my head." I say. "What do you mean? Baby are you alright?" He asks worried. "No what are you... baby? What is this?" I walk to our bedroom. "What's wrong?" I turn around and see Kun standing. "I should ask you that, are you sick or something?" I ask. "N-no, baby it's just me." He says. "No! The Kun I know is a workaholic, doesn't wear anything else but suits and definitely does not watch drama's on a weekend! And he doesn't ever give me cute nicknames!"
He takes me into a hug. "I'm sorry, I was just a horrible husband. But I'm changing. I want to spend more time with you, be able to relax and do fun things. I want to live more and work less. From now on I'll take weekends off and spend time with you." He tells me. "Really?" I ask surprised. "Really. And you can decide how, if you want to go out we'll do that or if you want to stay home we can do that too. Maybe even if you want to watch drama's together we could do that."
"You're already obsessed." I giggle. "Yes I am, thanks to you missy." He boops my nose. "Hey!" I whine. "Oh sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He apologises. "No it's alright, it's cute." I smile. "You know what was cute? When you ruffled my hair the other day." He smiles like a kid. "You want that again?" I ask. "I take that smile as a yes. Cuddles on the couch when watching some drama's, how does that sound?" I ask. "As the perfect weekend plan!" He picks me up and carries me to the living room.
A/N: something softer after that last chapter

FanfictionOT23 imagines +requests: closed+ Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung