
686 12 0

Word count: 1058
Mafia au


"All I'm saying is that it's not safe for you to go out alone right now!" Jeno had raised his voice, our conversation had turned into an argument.

"Why not? You don't even explain it to me! And if it's oh-so-dangerous come with me." I tell him.

"No, we can't leave the house! You just have to trust me and just stay here inside." His voice toned down, probably a sore throat after all the shouting.

"If I have to stay here inside I want a proper explanation or I'm leaving right now!" I had already put on my shoes and taken my purse in hand.

"I can't explain, it's too dangerous for you to know." I frown upon his words.

"You are not making sense. So why don't you go look for it and when I get back you have a normal and good explanation." I slammed the door shut behind me.

We're living in quite a sketchy neighbourhood, I must agree. But I've walked around here multiple times and I know all of them, these people wouldn't hurt me.

And once I'm in the city with my friends, nothing can happen. I just received my paycheque from work so that could only mean one thing, going to the bar and return home at sunrise!

I'm not always the best dressed, definitely not for clubs and bars but I have some places I know where I can go.


"Alright ladies, we're closing up. You should probably call a cab and go home." The bartender suggests.

"No man is telling me what to do anymore." I slurred out the words. "That's right, tell him!" My drunken friend cheers.

"Alright but we're still closing up." He tells us. We sigh and get of the barstools. Unstable we walk towards the door and get outside.

"Do you want a ride home? My sister can pick us up and get you there." Y/f/n says. "No I will get a cab, Jeno can pay for it." I laughed.

"Alrighty. Text me when you get home 'kay?" We hugged goodbye. I walk down the street and look for my phone.

"Need a cab?" Someone asks. "Can you read minds?" I gasp. "Not exactly, but get in." He opened the door to the backseat.

"Where are you headed?" He asks me. "Um, home I'm guessing. But you wouldn't know where that is right? Well let me tell you it's address."

"I'll get you there, don't worry about falling asleep back there." I didn't get why someone would say that.

He turned to look at me, he suddenly had a face mask on and something in his hand. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Don't you worry. Just take a nice nap." Ge sprayed some mist into my face, it made me feel even more tired than I already am and I soon fell asleep.


I opened my eyes, a faint light shining down from one singular light. I was tied to a chair and had my mouth taped.

I scanned the room, it seemed like an abandoned place. It was cold and quiet, it scared me, but not less than the fact that I was actually kidnapped.

"Look if that boyfriend of yours isn't going to pay me my money back, then he'll never see his most precious belonging again... you."

My eyes widened, the cab driver is some psychotic guy with a gun! "Don't cry sweetheart, I won't do anything. Not yet. I'm giving him just a little more time."

The tears roll down my cheeks uncontrollably, they burned almost. I just want to be home in my bed.

"You do know that Jeno used to work for me right?" I frown, why would Jeno work for a criminal?

"Seeing your expressions tells me enough. Oh sweetheart, didn't Jeno tell you that he works for the mafia? At least he did until he screwed up. He owes me money now, a lot! He should be happy that he's still alive... that you're still alive."

I gulp and close my eyes. How did I not know? Why didn't he tell me? He's so dead when I get out of here alive!


"He's still not here. He's got like 13 minutes left. That's not a lot. Any last words sweetheart? Oh right your mouth's taped shut." The freak laughs.

He had prepared a table earlier, he had all sorts of guns and bullets spread out, ready to be used.

"Which one do you prefer?" He asks me. If I'm going to die please make it quick, I don't like this at all.

He loads his gun and puts a silencer on it. We're in the middle of nowhere, I don't think it's matter but whatever satisfies his murderous lust and desires.

"You were a nice guest, very easy as well. This shouldn't be that difficult either." He smiles like the devil.

The creep was ready to pull the trigger, I closed my eyes shut and I hear a shot, I scream loudly but then realise that I'm not hurt.

I open my eyes and through my tears I see Jeno, the creep bleeding on the ground.

"I'm so sorry darling, I'm going to get you out of here." He kissed the top of my head before untying me and taking off the tape.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "Because it's a dangerous world and I didn't want you to get involved."

"You clearly failed at that. Maybe if you told me, I would've stayed home and this wouldn't have happened."

"Is this really the time to be mad at me? I literally just saved your life and we should go to the car and actually leave as well." He picked me up and dragged me to his car.

"This isn't over yet, when we get home you'll hear from me!" I yell at him.

Jeno put me down at his car and kissed me on the lips. "What's that for?" I asked. "I felt like it. And since you'll be yelling instead of thanking me for saving your life, I took the chance now."

"I'm mad at you." I crossed my arms. "Oh I know." He sighs deeply. "But thank you." I pecked his lips and get into the car.

A/N: what a surprise! I'm coming back with a Jeno mafia imagine😃 and how crazy next week I'm graduating and I guess I can get back into writing again!

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