Word count: 1005
I walk out to the waiting rooms to be greeted by a boy. "Hello, did you have an appointment?" I ask him. "Yes but with dr y/l/n." He says. "That's me." I smile. "No, I've been here before, dr y/l/n is an older man." He says. "That's my father, he's out of town so I'm taking over his appointments. Don't worry I also studied to be a veterinarian, I graduated not so long ago." I say. "Oh then yes I got an appointment with you. Actually not me but my dog."
"Of course come in." We walk into my office. "It's Xiaojun and Bella right?" I ask. "Yes indeed." He smiles. "So what can I do for Bella?" I ask as he put her on the examination table. "We went for a walk and I notice her limping. I don't know how that happened." He explains to me. "Back paw?" I ask. "Yes her right one." He tells me I try to take a look but didn't see anything right away. "Has she done anything? Like did she run around or jump from high places?" I ask.
"You see she's lived with cats and a few days ago we found her on the table, probably climbed on it in some way. She does it often, jumping on the bed and couch." He tells me. "I see, um I'd recommend to not let her do that too much just keep an eye on her but for now I'll have to take a scan to see if she doesn't have any injuries." I explain. "Yeah of course everything to get her better." He says with a worried look on his face. "Xiaojun don't worry it won't hurt her." I reassured him. "Good. That's the least I want for her."
After I made the scan of Bella's paw I brought her back to Xiaojun. "So what are the results?" He asks me impatiently. "Xiaojun, just stay calm alright. I'll go get the results. Don't stress too much." I tell him. "But Bella is my baby, if anything bad happens I won't forgive myself." He says. I got the results out and sat down at my desk. "It's not broken, I can tell you that." I tell him. "Then what is it?" He asks. "She sprained her leg probably when jumping up or down something."
"What can I do about it?" He asks me. "She needs to rest a lot, no unneeded walks and if you go on a walk not too long. If she keeps limping or she starts having pain call for another appointment." I tell him. "Okay I will." Xiaojun payed. "Here a yummy treat for Bella because she was so good." I hand it to her. "She'll love it." He giggles. "When's your dad coming back?" He asks me. "Why wasn't I good enough?" I ask. "No you were amazing, that's why I'm asking." He chuckles. "I'll be working here permanently as my fathers assistant so I won't run away."
"Great." He smiles. "See you later." He waves. "Bye Xiaojun, bye Bella. And remember let her rest enough!" I say hoping he still heard. "I will!" They walked out. He was so gorgeous and so sweet, how cute is it when a guy really cares for his dog. I should've asked him out, but that's bad, he's a client. Who cares, maybe it could work out. Aye y/n stay focused you're at work. "Hello, do you have... Xiaojun. Did you forget anything?" I ask. "No. Actually yes but not really."
"Huh?" I ask confused. "At what time are you finished today?" He asks me. "I'm free at 6 today." I tell him. "What if I take you out for dinner after your work? I can come pick you up." He asks me out. "That sounds great!" I smile. "Do you like barbecue?" He asks me. "I'm actually a vegetarian." I tell him. "Oh um we can go somewhere where they have something veggie." He says. "I know a place, but it's a date." I tell him. "Yes it is. See you later!" He once again walks out.
"Hello do you have an appointment? Yes I have at 6 with a very beautiful woman." I look up and see Xiaojun. "It's not 6 yet. You're early." I say. "I know but I couldn't wait. Isn't there any possibility for you to close earlier?" He asks me. "No, if my dad knows I'm doomed." I say. "Then I'll wait, right here." He sits down in the waiting room. "Maybe you can help and give the pets some food." I say. "I can?" He asks excited. "Yeah why not. Maybe then we can leave a little bit earlier." I tell him.
"Good where's the food and where are the pets?" He asks getting up. "In the back. Come." He follows me. "Here's the food, here the bowls, here's the paper with how much every pet can get." I showed him. He started as I start cleaning up everything. Once I finished I went back to take a look at Xiaojun. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask. "Cuddling this kitten. It's so cute!" He pats it. "There's a reason why it's here." I say. "What is it?" He asks. "Found on the streets, probably got some fleas or something." I explain.
"Ooh well you're going back into your cage." He puts the kitten back. "Has everyone been fed?" I ask. "Yes and they all still got water enough." He explains. "Good then I think we can go." I say taking off my lab coat. I take off the hair clip and let my hair fall down. "Wow." I turn to face Xiaojun. "Did I say that out loud? How embarrassing, I'm sorry." He laughs awkwardly. "It's alright, shall we get food now?" I ask. "Oh yeah food, let's go." We go out, I locked everything before going with him to his car for a wonderful date.
A/N: I'm not sure what to say so I guess have a good night/day everyone

FanfictionOT23 imagines +requests: closed+ Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung