Word count: 1090
—Renjun POV
"Renjun." I turn around in my chair. "Yes?" I look at my boss. "Can you check these for me? Tomorrow morning on my desk please." I smile and take the documents. When he left I sigh deeply. This will never be done by tomorrow morning. "Hey Renjun, can you please copy these for me." I turn to my colleague. "The copy machine is over there, instructions are right next to it, I got other work to do." He glares at me before walking away. I don't care that he hates me but I can't take any more work.
I start filling and correcting the documents. It seemed like I already did so much yet there's so much more to do. I sigh and loosen my tie. "What are you doing so late at the office mr Huang?" I look up and see the secretary of my boss. "Well guess who gave me extra work, again." I tell her. "Want some help?" I look around. "Y/n there are still people here, I thought you didn't want them to know?" I whispered. "Can't I help my boyfriend with his work so we could leave sooner?" She whispers back.
She takes the empty seat from another desk and sits down next to me. I gave her a few papers and we start working. "See you tom- y/n?" I glare at my colleague. "Hi, I'm helping Renjun with some paper work." She smiles at him. "I'm sure he can do it on his own, he always does. But y/n it's already late, want to get some dinner together?" He asks her. "Is that a date?" She asks. "If you want it to be yeah sure." I was getting angry. I get up. "That's enough. You leave, y/n stays."
"Woah, I think her shift is also over and that she's also allowed to leave work." He sarcastically laughs. "She can't leave if her ride home is still working." I say. "I can take you home y/n." He tells her. "Actually you can't because Renjun got the keys." She tells him. "What? You share a house?" He asks. "We live together as a couple, now leave." I point at the door. He left without saying anything. "Wow honestly that was hot." I chuckle at y/n. "Who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?"
"Very funny. Let's get this work over with." She says. "I need a break first." I tell her. "Oh and what are we thinking of doing?" She asks me. "There's no one in the building right?" I ask. "Well except the receptionist downstairs, she works for another hour." Y/n tells me. "Great. Come I've always wanted to do this." I get up and take her hand as I take her to our boss' office. "Renjun I never thought you'd be this wild, but in our boss' office? What if we get caught?" She asks.
"I don't know what you're thinking about but I was just gonna do this." I turn on the radio and take out one of his liquor bottles and two glasses. I pour a little for both of us. "Let it taste m'lady." I wink at her. "Thank you sir." She jokes along. She gulps it all down at once. "Woah had a rough day?" I ask her. "I hate that man wholeheartedly. I really hope I get accepted for that new job." She tells me, pouring another glass. "Maybe I should also change jobs, they make me overwork every day and what do I get in return? Nothing."
"Baby." She cups my face in her hands. "No y/n really, I can't stay here. I need to change." I tell her. "That wasn't what I wanted to say. Come with me to that new job, if they hire me I'm sure they'll take you too." She smiles. "You think so?" I ask. "I'm sure! You're the best in this job, you'll just have to wait a little longer. Can you do that?" She asks me. "Of course, not like I'm used to this." I scoffed. "Ooh I like this song, dance with me babe."
"We need to finish the paperwork." She reminds me. "Please one little dance." I ask her. "Fine, one dance then work." She tells me. I smile as I started dancing with her. "I love you." I whisper in her ear. "All of a sudden? Is something wrong?" She asks me. "No, I just thought I haven't said it enough so now you know." She smiles. "I love you too." She pecks my lips. "We should finish these papers." I say once the song was over. "Yeah maybe you should." Me and y/n gasped as we see our boss at the doorway.
"What are you 2 doing in my office?" He asks. Both of us trying to think of an excuse but we were clueless. "We're sorry sir." We bow. "Get out." We quickly walk out and go back to my desk to finish the paperwork. We look at each other and start laughing. "We're doomed." She says. "And so? You're getting a new job." I say. "True but that doesn't mean I need to get in trouble." I slowly nod. "That's also true but why always working and following the rules. We just wanted to have some fun right."
"Miss y/l/n, what's this?" Our boss walks up to us. "Are you quitting at our company?" He asks. "Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner sir." He sighs. "There goes my secretary." He groans. "Um Renjun can take the job. He won't let you down." I frown not knowing what she's doing. "Do you want to Renjun?" I slowly nod. "Great I'll get the contract ready tomorrow. And give that paperwork to one of your colleagues to finish tomorrow. Go home now, it's already late." We nod and collect our belongings before walking out of the office.
"Why did you do that?" I ask y/n. "You'll never have to do extra hours, you get to boss around the team in name of our boss and you get paid more. It'll be way more laid back than you think. And if he leaves to home you can go too. So if he finishes sooner you'll be home before I am." She smiles telling me. "Thank you." I give her a hug and a kiss. "Now let's go eat somewhere, I'm starving." I chuckle at her cuteness.
A/N: have a nice day/night everyone!

FanfictionOT23 imagines +requests: closed+ Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung