54) A/B/O - An Unsavory Feud.

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A/N: What's this? Me writing in 2021? More likely than you'd think!

Here's a quick request, whom I won't name right now just in case you don't want your name out there!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who still reads these oneshots, and comments, and requests things. It really makes me smile. I read all of them, even if I don't comment on it. So thank you.


I liked to stay out of trouble.

You'd think it'd be easy.

Well, normally it is.

Normally, though, you don't have an entire pack barging into your small practice practically begging and demanding your help.

A pack with multiple alphas.

"As you can see, we need your help." One of the other Betas, Scotty his name was, stated.

"Right," I say slowly. "Why do you need my help, though? I'm just a small practitioner. How did you even find me?"

I liked to keep to a small clientele. Word of mouth only.

For reasons like this.

"Y/N, we know you work on small scales. We know you don't like to be involved in drama between packs. That's exactly why we came to you." The first guy that spoke to me said. He was the supposed "leader" of the bunch. Vanoss, they said his name was.

A man with a mechanical mask covering one eye, which was glowing, spoke next. "We also know you're in a financial situation that's less than savory. We'll fully compensate you."

I sigh. They were right.

Keeping a low clientele did mean it was harder to make ends meet.

"I don't really have a choice in this, do I?"

"If by choice you mean we'll burn your shop and inform the government of your very illegal private business if you deny us, then yes."

I narrow my eyes at the man with a hockey mask before finally giving in. "Okay! Okay, I'll heal whoever it is you need healed. Just.. don't burn my house down, please?"

"I'm glad you could see things our way." Vanoss spoke, standing up straight.

Pompous Alpha Prick.

"Where are they? I want to get this over with quickly."

"Ah, yes, see that's the other part of the equation. You've got to come with us. Pack up your med gear because we have a little trip to take."

I bite my lip to stop a snarky remark as I face the Alpha with the glowing red eye. "Fine."

Stepping back into the back room, I grab my medical suitcase with an extra pair of clothes. I kept it just in case of house calls. Only, normally, it was used for well trusted clientele of mine.

I had a bad feeling about the whole situation.

"That's all you need?" One of them sneered. He was tall, with a pig mask and zebra pants. Beta bitch.

"You better hope so, or else I'm afraid we'll have to bring your buddy back here."

Out front are four vehicles. I watch as the guys pair off into groups as I lock the door behind them.

Vanoss stops near me, as if to make sure I won't run. I roll my eyes.

"You'll ride with Terrorizer and Scotty." He states before walking to his own vehicle.

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