53) Price of a Payment Pt 2!

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A/N: I'm trying my best to create a plot! Until then, have another part in the oneshot book! 

As soon as I have a plot and a cover for it, I'll post it as it's own book, so be on the lookout~


The first week was silent.

I expected to be called into Evan's office immediately. Not only that, but I expected to be chewed a new one.

Instead, I've been assigned bed rest with supervision.

It was expected.

Jaren spent a lot of time with me. Kryoz, too.

Him, Anthony, John and Bryce were all in the process of moving out and into one of the safe houses, so their company was more than welcome.

A week had officially passed when Evan decided he was ready to talk to me. It was late night, and I had just finished eating dinner.

"(Y/N), follow me to my office." It wasn't a question. It was an order.

Nogla mouthed "good luck" as I stood up and followed behind him.

I tried to keep calm as we made it into his office, biting my lip.

He closed the door behind me, walked to his desk and sat down.

I sat in one of the leather seats across from him, leaning back with my arms crossed, and one leg thrown over the other in the classic ankle on knee way.

His hands are clasped together on the desk.

After a moment or two, he finally speaks. "How are you feeling?"


I see the corner of his mouth twitch, and quickly clench my teeth together.

"I want you to tell me what happened that night."

I roll my eyes. "I did already. There was a race and I went to it. Someone clipped the back of the car on the last turn and I skid out of control. I hit the pole. When I got out I messaged you guys."

I see his jaw flex as he breathes in and out slowly. "(Y/N), this will go by much more smoothly if you drop the attitude."

I bite my tongue.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Two - maybe three months."

"Where did you even hear about them?"

I knew I couldn't rat out the boys. Honestly, I had overheard Brock, Marcel, and Tyler talking about them and became interested. "Heard it around the boys. Then at school."

He drops his head in his hands, his eyes closed. "Dammit (Y/N)." He rubs his eyes, and I can see just how tired he looks.

I... don't like this feeling sitting in the bottom of my gut. Guilt felt rotten.

"I've won all of them. Up until last week. I'm really good at it, Evan. And I made sure to be cautious. I made sure to keep my identity hidden, and I stayed armed..."

"I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation." He sighs loudly, rubbing his forehead before locking eyes on me again. "If I wasn't so concerned and worried, hell I might be proud."

The knot twists tighter in my gut. In a soft voice, I say "I'm sorry..."

"You do understand why you're in trouble, right?"


"Not only did you lie to all of us for month, destroy my new twin turbo lambo, and engage in the wrong kind of crowd, but you risked your life. (y/n), did you think of what would have happened if you didn't have help nearby? If the cops weren't distracted by us? If the accident was fatal? You're damn lucky that all you got a concussion."

"I know."

His face softened slightly. "I won't say I'm mad, because I'm not. I was concerned. I'm just disappointed."

I could feel the tears building in my eyes.

"As compensation, every dollar you've earned from the races are to be turned over to me. No exceptions."

"I understand."

"Good." He stands up and rounds to the other side of the desk. "Give me a hug."

I do. I move very quickly and wrap my arms around him. I very much do not like this feeling in my gut.

"I'll go get that now."

He nods his head as I trek to my room to grab the bags of money I've kept hidden in my closet.

I deposit the four bags of cash on his desk before making my leave.

I felt like shit.

I did not like disappointing Evan.

Maybe Del was awake and still? It'd be nice if I could hang out with him. He calms me down. I don't think I'll be able to sleep with this huge feeling of guilt in my stomach.

When I make it back to the kitchen, it's empty. The living room was dark, with the t.v. playing an abandoned show as Nogla snoozed on the couch, alone.

I step into my room to change into a fresh pair of pj's since I'd been in my previous ones for like, two days straight.

Quickly making my way down the halls towards Delirious' room, I tried to level my emotions. I really don't want to cry.

Giving his door a slight knock, I could hear him move inside. He opens it up, dressed for sleeping. He has a confused look on his face

"Teddy Bear, what are you doing here?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight? My brain is being mean."

He nods, moving to let me step into his room with him.

"I was just about to go to bed. This about your talk with Vanoss?"


He doesn't ask anything else, and gets ready to turn off the lights as I move further into his room.

I sigh in relief as I make my way to my side of his bed.

We lay side by side on our backs, staring up at the ceiling, silencing enveloping us.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I do. I realize as I sit there in the silence. "I think I really messed up. I think I made Evan really mad and I don't know what to do." I whisper into the dark.

He hums. I feel his hand grasp mine, locking his fingers with me.

"You could have died. You scared all of us, Teddy."

His words make my eyes water. It's only been five years, but I know he's telling the truth. They really do care for me.

"How do I fix this?"

"Hmm, I'm not really sure. I think that's something for you to figure out."

"That's not very helpful."

He chuckles at me, his voice slowing down with how sleepy he was. "I don't know, you could always try to repay him.... For the car..."

Yeah... I could pay him back. That was actually a good idea.

"Thanks Delirious."

A loud snore responded. My lips tugged up into a smile as I close my eyes.

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