26) [Ohm] Monster Under the Bed

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A/N: Soo this is for @LunarsLunar you asked for an Ohm one, so sorry it took forever. THanks for all of the support, it means a lot <3 Originally saw a prompt on Pinterest and ran with it, lol. 

Also, the original prompt was made by  kittenwhiskers on Tumblr. Check em out!!! <3333 :)

Hope you enjoy~!!!


I was in charge of assigning every child on Earth the monster under their bed. One child in particular has caused every monster assigned to her to quit.

She was Case #273402

Status: Absolutely disastrous.

I stare at her file, stress rolling through me in waves. I realize I have no options, over the last 2 years every monster assigned to (y/n) (l/n) has quit. Every last one.

Her first monster; an arachne humanoid named Coralinn, had been with her for a near four years, completely promising to continue striking fear in her, and then she wasn't scared of her anymore. After that was a string of different common, uncommon, and rare monsters... I even assigned a sentient windchime monster to her. He came back near tears.

Some of the best I had on file were too busy, wrapped in other cases that were too demanding right now. If I had my pick and choose, I would have sent Delirious, one of our best... but he had too many cases at the moment.

Looking through my tablet, there was only one assignable monster left; myself. Field work has never been my cup of tea, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I open my middle desk drawer for the first time in an era, pulling out my omega bandanna. I let the fabric fold in my hands as I feel the reminiscent memories from the past flood me, and tie it around my eyes as I once used to. I had eyes that could cause mental issues past the point of what we needed to scare. This was the only way to tame down the terror. Times aren't how they used to be. Standing up and re-closing my drawer of my desk, I walk over to the door and look at myself, standing in my prized hoodie that made my form look much more human.. Sliding it off, I stand, facing the mirror on the back of the dark wood.

It was just how I remembered. Even as I was in my more condensed form, my more human form, I was something that caused terror. My pale skin that could be flashed dark like a shadow, the etchings of the omega symbol, my glowing eyes, even the much more horrifying uncurl of my rabbit ears, all things that strike terror into my victims. With that in mind, I head out to the portals.

As the clock rolled to 8:03 pm, after Mrs. (l/n) tucks in (y/n) and her little brother Bryce; I slither into the space beneath (y/n)'s bed. Across the room underneath Bryce's crib is a newly successful rookie, Cartoonz, a standard Creep kind of monster that is on the up and up, the perfect fit for the child.

I turn my attention back to the bed above me as the doors are closed, (y/n) is still awake but barely, completely silent. She was once a gentle soul, full of life and rainbows like most children her age. Her room has changed, too. Less things cluttered the space, leaving it open and almost empty-feeling.

Her breathing slows, on the verge of sleep. The time is now.

I reach up over the bed and run an elongated, ice cold finger over her cheek, my nail gently scraping over her skin; not a single reaction comes from her, so I repeat it.

"I'm not afraid of you monster!" She whispers, but her voice is shaking. I retract my hand slightly. A small clock on the wall clicks with every tick as it now reads 8:14 pm. A door somewhere in the house slams and there is an audible hitch of breath from above me as the walls shake. A few minutes go by and I can hear Mr. Albert (l/n) yelling at his wife. There are heavy footsteps on the stairs.

Loud panting breaths come from up above until (y/n) scrambles off the bed. Immediately she crawls under the bed with me.

I can't even react. How is she not afraid of me? No child has been able to stare at me and not tremble in fear.

"Move. Over!" (y/n) hisses at me, and I do so, stunned at her actions.

The door to the bedroom slams open and I smell the stench of human intoxicants before the man even steps inside the room. His footsteps cause the floorboards to creak, and the door creaks with his presence.

Suddenly it makes so much sense as to why this child no longer fears the monsters; why she 'matured' way sooner than she should have. She's not afraid of any of my monsters because she's afraid of her own.

Albert curses at not seeing (y/n) on the bed, expressing his dismay with explicit words. He reaches a hand under the bed and I thrust my wrist into it on instict, over a shaking (y/n). As he pulls, I crawl over (y/n) and slither out.

"What the-" I cut Albert's next words off by unfolding to my full 12 foot height. My ears, much like a rabid rabbits extend higher, looking rugged, and the glowing of my symbol drowns out the darkness. My nails are long, sharpened, as are my teeth as I let them come to their normal horrifying appearance.

Sliding the bandit up onto my forehead, I let the glow of my eyes fully lock him in place.

He freezes in an instant, his legs locking as he seems to tremble in fear and confusion.

I caress my cold fingers down his face, letting my nails lightly scrape his skin in a warning, leaving a near invisible red slice.

"If you ever touch, scare, or harm my child again, I will find you, and I will do the same to you, for all eternity." I promise, breathing my cold breath across his face. It hit him in full force, sending shudders down his spine. I take satisfaction in the frozen torture as his mentality seem to break.

I remove my nails before I decide to rip into his skin and cause fresh blood to drip over my claws.

He stumbles back, as if finally able to control his legs, crashing into the wall and door, soiling himself while escaping the room.

Letting out a slow stream of air, relaxing myself, I slide the bandanna back over my eyes and shift back into the less intimidating version of myself. Rolling my shoulder blades and releasing the tension in my body, I keep my emotions in control.

Turning back to the bed, I gently pull (y/n) from under it, tuck her back into her covers and kiss her forehead goodnight.

She immediately grips my cold fingers in a death grip. Her eyes are wide, afraid. The terror brings back the anger in full force, but I grit my teeth to keep from doing something I would regret. Grabbing her hand in a strong, secure hold, I bring it up to my lips, giving her a kiss of promise, one that binds me to her.

"I'll be back tomorrow night, sleep well darling." Her eyes wink closed and her breathing evens out.

(y/n) is my child, I am the monster under her bed.

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