10) [Bryce] The Best of Crimes

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(I don't know how I feel about this one, but it's been on my mind for the past couple of days. SO here we go. Enjoy!)

You and I both got arrested for holding up traffic to let a duck with ducklings cross the road and now we're in the same holding cell." Thanks.

My back pressed into the cold cement wall as I casually sat in a cell. I was oddly aware of the person sitting on the end of the cement slab as me.

A complete stranger.

How funny.

Just the reason we were in here, I couldn't hold back the snicker. Said snicker slowly began to build up as the situation just became that much more hilarious.

"What's so funny?"

I looked over to the blue-eyed blonde, who's head was tilted in question. Honestly, jail didn't fit his persona.

"Honestly. Just why we're in here." i answer, trying to stifle the grin twisting my lips.

He nodded, looking away, before I watched his shoulders shake slightly, and he too was laughing.

I giggled again.

"Just picturing it. Over and over."

There he was, his car parked in the middle of the road with his hazard lights flashing. I had quickly stopped in the lane next to his, and flung my door open, rushing to the front of the stranger's vehicle to see what the matter was. There he sat, on the ground, watching a mama duck coerce her four little ducklings across the street.

'I didn't want to hit them." He had said.

I quickly realizing the situation, put my car in park, and flicked on the hazard lights, too, before taking up a spot on the ground next to the handsome stranger. There, we watched the baby ducklings cross together. People became agitated with our two vehicles, and just as the baby ducks were finishing their walks, and we were standing up in pride, I could hear sirens. And we were apprehended for 'disrupting the flow of traffic'.

Shaking the thoughts away, my laughter died off slowly as I shared a smile with this extremely attractive man.

"My name's Bryce."

"(y/n)". I grin brighter.

As he opens his mouth to say something, the knock on the bars jolts me.

"Looks like you're free to go."

I stand up, and go to walk past the guard. "Whoa there lil lady, your dad wants to talk to you again." Rolling my eyes with a sigh, I start to follow the guard and wave softly at Bryce.

"Hey Bill, how're you?" I ask the familiar guard. "You're wife doing good?"

He chuckles. I tune him out as I look and see Bryce walking towards a group of three guys. One of them, the one with a beard, is giving him flack.

"Give me a second Bill. I'll head to my Dad's office right after. Promise."

"Well, okay then. Behave yourself."

I walk briskly towards where Bryce and the other boys are. I could hear them now.

The voice of the one in a blue hoodie reached me first. "How the hell did you get arrested? Before any of us." He laughed in a crazy manner.

"Leave it to Bryce to get arrested for stopping traffic for baby ducks." The bearded man laughed.

Bryce was rubbing the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. "Hey thanks for bailing me out."

"Bailing you?" The guy in the grey hoodie asked. "We didn't bail you out."

"Then who did?"

I tapped his shoulder, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I probably should have told you this. My, uh... my dad's in charge here.Long story short you're charges were dropped. By me... uh." A nervous laugh bubbled from my throat. "We should talk sometime?"

The guys were nudging his shoulders, but he didn't flinch as he smiled. "Yeah, i'd like that."

"(Y/N)!!" My name resonated around the office. Welp guys he found out. Writing my number down and handing it over to Bryce, I smiled shyly. "I should go... call me?"


"(Y/N), now!"

"Bye!" I waved, turning to walk towards my father's office.

"Goodbye!" I heard Bryce call behind me, making a smile curl my lips.

As I stepped into the office at the end of the hallway, my father stood there, with a sigh of disappointment. "How many times do I have to tell you...."

I turned and caught one last glance at Bryce before the door shut, blocking my view. He waved.

Walking towards the "chair of shame" I nodded my head. "I know, I know..."

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