18) [Delirious] Undercover Gone Wrong

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A/N: A few short things. 

One: This is one of my longer oneshots. It might be my longest one so far. Like once I started writing, I just kept going.

Two: This has sexual themes. You've been warned.

Three: All your comments keep me writing! I enjoy them~

Four: Suggestions are open~

Thanks for the suggestion PankcakeFacex

You may continue now. Hope you enjoy~


As soon as my eyes found his, shining from the LED lights plastered on the walls behind him, I was intrigued. He was the only person wearing a mask, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

My stomach rolled in excitement and adventure.

He was... different.

I was here on a job. And he was now my target.

Perhaps he was always my target.

I'm (y/n) (l/n). I'm an undercover cop in an elite group of Los Santos Police. We deal with the more... hardcore side of things. Sometimes, we break the laws to enforce them. Really, anything goes in this city.

My job? Locate, and hopefully attain, personale from the Banana Bus Crew. Specifically, either the leader, or one of the co-leaders. Easier said than done.

Currently, I was alone, standing in the middle of an underground strip club/bar dressed more sexy than slutty. It was a key place for criminals to let loose, make sells, and well avoid the police.

Avoiding the dance floor where sleazy men were grinding with tramps, I make my way to the bar where the man in the mask was leaning, his back against the polished wood. I sway my hips with every step noticing his eyes on me. Sending the man a sideways look, I come up to the bar, keeping a distance between the two of us. I knew I could play him. He was interested.

"Hey, what can I get you, pretty lady?" The bartender came up. He was dressed in a white shirt with a black vest and sharp pants. Despite his words, he wasn't crude in tone.

"A shot of Chartreuse." I say, flicking my hair over my shoulder with a smirk.

"You got it sweetheart."

"Make that two and put it on my tab." the guy next to me spoke, sliding into the chair next to me.

I openly looked at him, smirking. "To what do I owe this?" His face was hidden behind a Jason mask, scuffed and slightly chipped in places. His eyes, a bluish tone, glowing from the low lights, reigniting the excitement in my stomach. He was in a blue jacket with a white shirt peeking out of the top. He wore simple jeans.

His eyes roamed over my body, stopping in the places I expected as he took in my dress that hugged my curves.

"A pretty lady all alone in a bar ought to be treated to a special night." His voice was higher pitched than I expected, with a drawl of some sort. It wasn't unpleasant, holding secrets.

The two shots were placed in front of us. Grabbing the shot glass, I toasted with the male before raising it to my lips. Keeping my eyes on him, I throw back my head, letting the alcohol burn down my throat.

Setting it down next to me, I place my elbow on the counter and lean against my hand facing him. Wrapping my other hand under my chest, I forced my boobs up more, his eyes locking onto my body. "So, what's a guy like you doing in a place like this and not partying? Somehow, you peg me as the party type."

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