13) [Evan] Car Accident

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"How old are you?"

"Turned seventeen a couple months ago." (Y/n) stated.

The paramedic frowned. "If you were closer to 18, we wouldn't need to contact anyone else, but since you're still a minor, it complicates things."

(Y/N) stood glancing down at her phone as the paramedic watched her.

"Is there another number you can call?"

Swallowing thickly, she nodded, and began punching in another number. Her hands were shaking. It rang twice before his voice floated through to her, and she crossed her arms, holding herself.

"Hey, uh (Random name)?" She asked. Her voice was pinched.

The man on the other end laughed. "No, It's me. Evan. Your best friend since you were in like 6th grade."

"I-I know." She stated, turning away from the paramedic. Just hearing his voice made the emotions bubble up in her throat. "I know you don't like it when I call while you're working.".

He could hear the wobble in her voice. Immediately, his joking voice dropped into something serious as he realized why she answered the way she did.

"(Y/N). What's wrong."

Her throat pinched as she answered. "We got into a car wreck, and I can't get ahold of anyone else."

"Where?" Evan was already walking out the door with his keys in hand. Tyler watched him walk past as he was headed inside, realizing something was wrong and followed him, climbing into the passenger seat.

"At (girl's name) house."


Evan immediately spotted a white car, crushed in on the driver's side by a white Nissan. His eyes roamed over the carnage, his heart picking up before spotting (y/n) standing next to a police officer, her face flushed from the cold, and snowflakes crowning her hair.

He walked over quickly with Tyler on his heels.

(y/n) relaxed when she saw him, almost losing it.

"Hi, you here for her?" the policeman asked.

"Yessir. I'm her older brother and guardian." Evan responded without missing a beat. "Our parents aren't in the picture."

"How old are you, son?"

"21 sir. 22 next month."

"Alright. Well, let me tell you what happened." The paramedic spoke. No one had noticed he had walked over. "These two ladies were pulling out of her driveway, and the truck over there was speeding, rounded the corner, and T-boned the two."

Evan's eyes shifted towards (y/n), seeing her lip tremble. His hand drifted towards hers, and he gripped it tightly. She looked up and squeezed his back silently, confirming she was okay.

He nodded his head along with the paramedic as he continued speaking, mentioning if anything else should happen, to have her taken to the hospital.

"It would seem everyone's fine, so you're free to leave." The policeman handed (y/n) her license back before the two walked away to observe the tow company that was pulling the two vehicles apart.

"Are you okay?" He asked. She just nodded, looking over to her friend who was hugging her parents.

"Where were you going." Tyler finally spoke.

(Y/n) looked at Evan again, spotting Tyler standing slightly behind him. "We were just going to lunch. Neither of us saw him coming." She whimpered.

"Why weren't you the one driving? You're one of the best (nickname), and you know this... we taught you for a reason" Evan stated.

"I-I don't know. After the wreck, and what happened to mom and dad, especially on the street over..." her voice was horse, and Evan noticed the wobble in her tone and the way her eyes were watering.

"Come here." Evan immediately embraced her in a tight embrace. He could feel just how hard she was shaking as she tucked her face against his coat.

"Shh, i know, i know." He rubbed her back as he felt her silent sobs. "I'm sorry. You're okay now. You're okay."



I hadn't planned on posting another Evan fanfic so soon but... um something happened. 

So yeah. My friend and I were in a car wreck yesterday. Luckily no one was hurt too bad. Today I'm sore. My neck and my side hurt, but no physical bruises.

So of course I turn my accident into a story. Of course a lot of things are different, but the basics are the same.

Sorry for the long wait between updates. Finals' week is over now, so hopefully I'll be able to update more. Feel free to send in your requests! I'll write anyone, and (almost) anything! c:

BBS x Reader Oneshots!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt