32) [Panda] Homeless Adventures

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Jiggles Pov.

I knew as soon as Evan said he needed a supreme pickpocketer who to go to. She was the best.

"We need to do a trial."

"Sure," I say casually. "Just dress someone up. Say, Wildcat." If you make him look important, than she'll target him. He'll need to be in the right place at the right time. She does a schedule. Her Thursday schedule is she'll go do womanly things in a free bathroom around town, hit up the nearest makeup store with free samples, and then head to the shopping district."

"Where would she be right now." He asked, looking at the time. I glanced at the clock.

"Probably on the way to the shopping district actually."


When I was little, I was kidnapped by child traffickers. In a stroke of luck, I managed to throw myself out of the van that had been driving me to an unknown warehouse before I was lost forever. I Don't know if my parents are still alive, or if they care. I don't either. I've moved on.

I escaped and I've been on the streets ever since.

I managed to learn to survive on my own, playing the people on the streets, pickpocketing and charming with smiled.

Along the way, I met a man. I remember he would wear next to nothing, a speedo and a panda hat, in the blistering heat. So, stemming from that I called him Panda. Big Jiggly Panda.

Together we were homeless.

We lived in an abandoned room, probably a law firm before. To enter the room, you'd have to enter through a hole behind a big, industrial dumpster. I pick-pocketed and he... well he tried. I wasn't exactly sure what he did, but I knew he helped us pull through each day.

Today started like a normal day. I got ready at one of the train stations, showered and took care of hygiene, then hit up a makeup store with free samples and made my face, and hit the town to work. Pickpocketing is truly an art, and I was good at it. Some people say too good. I pickpocketed a man off the streets who, as I learned, was making money. From him alone I managed to pull multiple bills, enough to last us for at least a month in supplies.

So imagine my surprise when I walked inside our abode to see not one, not two, but three strangers talking with Anthony.

I stopped, like an animal trapped, about to flee out of the hole in the wall.

One of the men talking to Panda, wearing shades even though it was dark and night and a red jacket noticed me first. His head snapped into my direction. Panda saw his eyes shift towards me, and also spotted me, crouched in the shadows.

I probably looked panicked and ready to fly from the room by the soothing smile he gave me, or well, tried to give me.

"Oh, hehe, you're home early." He chuckled nervously. "Don't worry. I'm friends with these guys. Come on in. Please. You're okay, I promise."

My eyes shot to the giant with a pig mask and zebra printed pants. In a new wave of panic, I recognized him as the one I pick-pocketed earlier. In his waistband I noticed to bulge, a gun or knife, tucked away.

Panda looked over at the zebra man. "Oh, he's not dangerous."

"Wildcat, throw your weapon off to the ground." Red jacket stated, never glancing away.

Big guy gruffed, undoing the clip and throwing a gun to the ground. I swallowed.

"Come closer. We want to talk." Red jacket stated. I could feel the shake in my hand but bit my tongue and stepped in, out of the main shadows.

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