45) [Vanoss] High School Sweetheart

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Bells were ringing above with red flashing lights before I could even begin to respond. Masked men were shouting orders.

Before I could respond, a hard grip wrapped around my elbow, prying me up from my kneeling position. A hard pressure against my back made my blood run cold as the glint of a gun met my face.

I threw my hands up, turning my face away. I'm gonna die.

"Woah," I cracked my eyes open to see the guy in a bunny mask lower his gun. "Del, let's go. We can't touch her."

Del removed the gun from my back, and I saw a guy with a blue hoodie walk around me, looking at me. "Holy shit, she's the one on Vanoss' list."

"Let's go."

They grouped up with the rest of their crew, and vanished.

That's when I remembered to breathe. The police were walking into the bank, and a man helped me stand on shaky feet.

Who the hell was Vanoss? And why am I on his list? What list?

After answering questions, I walked down the road to shake out my rattling bones.

The busy streets distracted me from the chaos in my head. The shop market was especially bounding. I slowed down to peer through the windows of the shops.

A young boy and a mother stood in one, and the boy held up a game controller. I recognized it as an xbox one.

Something in my brain clicked.

Vanoss. Not a person. A gamertag.

It was the gamertag of my highschool sweetheart.

Holy shit. Evan Fong!

Someone shoulderchecked me, and I was brought back to the bustling streets of Los Santos. I hadn't even realized I stopped walking.

I needed to find him. What happened? He'd have answers.

That's assuming I can find him.

Walking quickly to the parking garage, I found my vehicle and went to an address I had memorized by heart.

It was Evan's first place. He bought it and moved out of his family's place. I often snuck there to get out of my house and the constant fighting. It was my safe haven so long ago.

I rolled up to the shitty apartments. The neighborhood was seedy and falling apart. The entire building looked abandoned. Swallowing any fear I might have had, I pressed my keys between my fingers and left the safety of my vehicle to walk up the steps.

I knocked on the doors. They creaked and whined, but no one answered. No lights flickered. Nothing.

I guess I'd do this the old fashioned way then. Walking to the backside of the building, I climb up the fire escape. On the fourth floor, I stop on the landing. Just like I was hoping, the window was cracked.

Tucking my keys in my pocket and mentally preparing myself, I climbed over the railing and pressed myself into the wall. In an awkward shuffle, I shimmied across the small ledge on my toes until I could grab the window sill. I forced it open, and much dust went crumbling around me.

I wrapped my hands inside the room, grabbing the handle he had installed for me so many years ago, and tested the strength. Everything felt fine, so I hauled myself inside.

Ungracefully, I landed on the ground on the other side, huffing and puffing. It was a lot harder than I remembered.

Sitting up slowly, I look around the familiar room. It was dark and dusty. I stood up and do a little spin. It was exactly as I remembered it, just empty feeling. No, abandoned.

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