25) M [Tyler] Punishment for Snooping

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So. This is my first lemon! If you are of the faint of heart or uncomfortable, then you'll probably want to skip this. I'll have another fanfic up soon. Hope you enjoy! This is for you who requested it, I won't name any names since you asked me not too~

Also... it's a long one...

Please enjoy!

Los Santos Verse. Reader lives with the crew.


Tyler borrowed a disk from me a while back. It was one of my favorite ones, and It was something I was sure he'd enjoy.

I really enjoyed it when I got to talk to him, when he talked back. It's so rare that we actually get to a have a conversation where he isn't talking down to me or teasing me, and I crave those. When he listens to me, we actually have a lot in common, like my record.

Now that I was thinking about it, it's been a while since I've listened to it. And he's had plenty of time to listen to it. Three months, to be exact.

I was home alone. The guys were on a mission that was apparently "too much" for me right now. That's okay, I just wish they weren't gone all weekend.

Desire for the record disk grew in me, and with that I made my towards Tyler's room hesitantly. It was almost scandalous, sneaking into his room. No one was allowed in his room, unless he permitted it. That was a rare occurrence.

Creeping down the hall, my heart thrums loudly in my ears as I come to a stop outside his door. All it would take is a twist and I'd be in. I'd get to see his room and discover something about him. Taking a deep breath, I gently twist the doorknob until it clicks open, swinging inwards.

Tyler isn't here, and he won't be back, so no one will ever know that I walked into his room... and technically his room is part of our home, so in reality I was just entering another part of my home... and not violating his privacy. I bite my lip, hesitating as I push the door open more, trying to convince myself that I wasn't doing anything wrong.

Giddiness filled my stomach as I step in, looking around the vaguely familiar room. The last time I was in here was years ago. I turn to look over my shoulder out of habit, even though I'm home alone.

His room was surprisingly clean and open. The first thing I notice is his bed. The sheets are perfectly tidy, and the pillows aren't crumpled. It almost seems like nobody ever slept on it. His bed sat in the middle of the room, facing a large flat screen mounted on a wall. One of his walls had game systems and were full of said games. The other one had disk after disk, cd after cd, making up over half of the wall. I stood in awe. I couldn't help the urge to see what he owned.

Walking over to the wall of cds, I realized some were dvds, too. Bending over, I graze my hand over some of the cases, immediately enthralled with the idea of Tyler being a nerd. It was more pressing on my mind than actually finding my disk.

Starting on one side, I begin to slowly make my way closer to the bed, moving from the music and cds to the dvds. Some of the titles were getting weird, especially in a section closer to the floor.

Pulling out a few of the black or nameless cases, I opened one up specifically, reading the handwritten note on the inside. Holy shit- this is some kinky shit!

Closing the case, I slide it back in place, but another one caught my eyes. Bent over reading the description on the back, a sound from behind me caught my attention.

"Ah hem." Someone cleared their voice, and I stood back up quicker than I could blink. I clung the dvd case close to my chest, my face heating up in embarrassment as I stared the owner of said dvd case in the eye. I realized he was probably watching my ass as I was bent forwards. With my face red from shame I slowly turn around to see him leaning against the door frame, his thumbs in his pockets.

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