52) The Price of a Payment

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A/N: Hey howdy hey! How are you guys? Life's kinda wack right now, amiright? I just started college again, but I've been reading some of your comments and holy cow. I love seeing when a new rush of people find my stuff!

In honor of that, this little idea came to me. Will I make it into another full story like the other Price of books? Maybe! If I did, the chronological order would go the first one, and then this, and then the second one. 

If I get an idea to do the full story I will. Anywaysss. Enough rambling. Here you go~ MC is 15


It was... intoxicating.

The rush.

The cool night air brushing my skin.

The purr of the engine.

No wonder it's addicting.

The family was out on another mission.

I still wasn't old enough, nor skilled enough, to join.

The nights got lonely. So, here I was.

My newest hobby was waiting for whoever was my babysitter of the night, if I had one, to go to bed, and then stealing one of the boys' vehicles and going for a drive.

It's how I found myself in one of the underground races again tonight. With no bodyguard, slipping from the house was easy.

I may be 15, but man was I good.

There were a few rules I kept to myself.

One, my helmet stayed on the entire time. This not only kept my identity, but also protected me for the just in case moments, which I have yet to have. It was a full head covering and worked perfectly. No one seemed too perturbed by it.

Two, no talking. If they knew a little kid was whooping their asses, all hell would break loose. Criminals were viscous after all.

Three, I was always armed. I had multiple knives, a hand gun, and my phone.

Four, no pot of money was worth my life.

Five, be home before the boys got home.

The race had just started, and it was like my mind let loose.

These were all amateurs, and it showed. Usually, I could pull ahead just fine, but it was kind of ridiculous how quick it happened tonight.

My stomach fluttered with the rush.

I was officially starting high school in two days, and this was the release I needed before then.

Everything was going well, too well.

I was distracted.

If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed the car pull up in my rear mirror just before the last turn of the race.

If I had been paying attention, I would have seen the intent to swipe me.

If I had been paying attention, I wouldn't have lost control.

Just as I began to drift the corner, that's when I spotted it. It's when I realized I'd messed up.

All it took was the front of his car to clip the tail of Vanoss', sending me spiralling.

The whip of the vehicle threw me around.

Everything was too loud.

All I could see was a blur.

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