4) [Terroriser] Truth or Dare

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I have never felt more anxious to be with my friends then I did now. We were currently sitting in a circle, and I could hear my heart thumping all-too-loudly in my ears.

And then my heart stopped.

"(y/n), truth or dare?" Tyler asked with a shit eating grin.

"Uhm..." my gaze flipped around the circle of guys, hoping one of them would bail me out. They were all hoping for something. I didn't even know which would be worse? With these guys, they'd somehow make truth the worst of the options.

I found Mini's eyes, who was giving me a gentle smile, as if to calm me down. I watched his lips mouth a word, and nodded smiling.


The dark giggle from Tyler had my gaze snapping back over to where he sat in across from me. "Good." Cracking his knuckles, I immediately regretted my decision. "(y/n), you have to do a bj shot on..."

The suspense was killing me slowly as I felt heat creep into my face. I watched him glance around the circle, his eyes locking onto a person.


My heart leapt into my throat as I stood up slowly. My voice almost croaked as I looked at my white converses. "Okay..."

Marcel and Vanoss left the room to grab materials. I turned to look at Craig, who was currently giggling, along with Jon and Moo. "Traitor." I call out to him.

He shrugs. "Worth it!"

Evan sets two chairs in the middle of the circle, facing each other.

Brian stands, and I bite my lip at the cocky smirk he's giving me. I rub at the heat in my cheeks.

He takes a seat, placing his hands on either leg, manspreading.

"Oh god." I mumbled, looking away with both of my hands still pressed tightly on my face.

"Okay, baby cakes, your shot is ready." Marcel calls, carrying a dark alcoholic drink with some sort of whipped cream on top.

"Fuck you." I mouth.

"Oh honey, you about to do that to Brian." Marcel cackled, his whole body shaking with laughter. Others laughed with him, too. He wiped a tear from his face as he heaved in a breath. "Okay, do you know how to take this?"

I didn't answer, I just sort of shrugged. I mean, I knew the basics behind it, but I'd never done it before.

"Okay, well, you can't use your hands. You have to use your mouth."

"I know." I state, walking over to sit down in front of Brian. He winked at me, and I felt a smirk take over my face as I rolled my eyes. No more being embarrassed. Got to act confident. Fake it till I make it.

"Oooh, we got a badass over here!" Marcel called out as he handed the shot over to Brian, who got comfortable, holding it right on his crotch.

Everyone sat around, watching closely. I was oddly aware of the heat from Brian's legs, and where they pressed into mine. It was now or never.

Giving him one last look through my eyelashes and letting out a slow breath, I slowly leaned down, so so close to him that I could smell more than just the irish cream and alcohol, and wrapped my lips around the glass. I felt a hand slide into my hair, and I wasn't sure if it was to hold my hair out of my face, or something more.

Sitting back up slowly, I tilted my head back and swallowed the drink, allowing it to slip down my throat. After all the liquid is safely down my throat, I feel Brian grab the cup from my mouth.

"You have a little s'mething," he gestured to his top lip. Keeping my eyes locked onto his, I slowly licked the cream from my top lip.

I was snapped out of my trance by the loud cheering of all the boys, all of them hooting and hollering. Looking around, I immediately felt embarrassed again, and stood up moving out from the center of the circle. Grabbing one of the chairs to move back to the kitchen, I needed a minute to catch my breath.

Placing it back in it's rightful place, I felt a warm hand press into my back. "That was sexy as hell," a low irish voice rumbled through me, catching my breath and sending shivers rolling through me. "Maybe next time I can show you some tricks with my mouth, hm?"

I glanced at Brian, just to see him wink before moving to place the glass down on the counter and walk past me to return to the circle. As he walked past, a hand slipped against my butt with a tight squeeze, earning a little breathless squeak.

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