14) Hacking the System

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I had the perfect life. From money, to the dream house, to getting anyone I wanted, any time. And the best part?

No one suspected me.

In Los. Santos, it's you fight for you. And I've perfected that. It all started out when I was 14. I asked for a loan amount from a fool who had trusted me. Then I went to my current "boss", a mafia gang leader. Also an idiot. And others, too. I promised to pay the money back with "interest". It was all strictly business. I'd pay back the current "threat", they would become greedy, and place more money on the table.

From there, it was simple. I would take out those who threatened me, and slowly rise in power and wealth. No one would know my name unless they were someone I planned on being dead by the end of our trades.

Now I'm 22 and no one can touch me. No one tries. Because I have the contacts.Andy people are greedy

Today was going to be a simple one. I'd go to the bank, and with one of the employees posing as a clerk, sign the end of another contract. Crowded places were best for things like this because then the other side wouldn't get any bright ideas.

Walking into the bank, my shoes clacked loudly against the marble, and the quiet murmur was a normal noise. Glancing around, I couldn't spot anything suspicious.

Walking towards the line that I knew my contact would be, I waited patiently.

That is, until a loud bang of bullet rounds shot into the ceiling.


An insane laughter followed the group of people that walked in. Their tell-tale masks alluding to who they were. Competition.

Well shit. This just got a lot more... frustrating. Of course the Banana Bus Crew would show up.

I dropped to the ground, keeping my head bowed.

I watched as some of the members raced down towards the vault. Unfortunately, I already know that most of the money is wiped.

A few of the others, the one with a hockey mask and the other wearing a pig face bagan blasting bullets into panicking civillian's heads. The paper bag man and skinny bane started pulling clerks to their knees, popping a bullet in them when they didn't respond correctly. Well, there goes my contact.

The man wearing a hockey mask moved towards me.

But this could work out...

"Wait," I stated before he could lift the pistol. I sat up on my knees, hands up, pointing my attention towards Vanoss. "You want something, and it's not here. I can get whatever you want. Just don't kill me."

He walked closer, the Piggy following. "Is that so?"

"Yes." I couldn't help but grin. My eye spotted a man behind the glass reach up and probably hit an emergency button. "Money, firepower, ammo. I can get it for you. Call it a favor for letting me walk out of here alive. Because right now, one of your 'hostages' have alerted the police of your whereabouts."

"Damnit." Piggy seethed, turning around and blowing the guy's brains out. By this point, the tax man and one of the monkey's walked back up, bags empty. I couldn't help but smirk.

"So, let me walk out of here, and by tonight you can have your demands. Send a couple of your men if you're worried I'll do something. Or don't. Let me tell you though, Evan, I can be a great contact."

He whispered something with the Pig Man before nodding. Hockey mask pulled me to my feet and placed his gun to my back. I scoffed.

"10 million. At the docks 2 o' clock. Don't be late."

"Sure." I agreed casually. That wasn't going to harm me any. "Be near the southern fence. There's a clear getaway if a little rat should spill the beans."

With that, hocky man left me, and I pulled out my gun, shooting a civilian on the ground who was recording our conversation.

Piggy and Tax man walked towards me at Vanoss' command. They had their guns trained on me. Lifting my hand up in surrender, I quickly pulled the clip out and tossed it towards pig face.

"See you then~" I waved, turning on my toes to begin my exit.



I'll probably do another chapter of this, or a full-blown story. I dunno. What're your thoughts?

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