39) [Moo] Coin Toss

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"Heads." I call.

The coin sails through the air, and I snatch it out of the sky, slapping it onto my palm.


"89. Really, how many are you going to bet?" I ask, sliding the coin into my pocket.

"Again." He flips the coin. Again, it's heads. He growls. "Probability says that one of these times it'll be tails. For every 100 flips, 50 should be tails."

"Well... We've done this 90 times and every time it's been heads."

Brock rolls his eyes at me. He flips another coin. I catch it, cackling at seeing the outcome. He looks at it and growls.

The bell rings above us. "Maybe next time, Moo Moo."

"Next time."


I was relaxing on the couch at his house.

The doorbell rang.

"Ooh, pizza. Brock, you get it!"

"Coin toss?"

I nod, looking at him, "Heads."

He flips the coin, and sighs in exasperation. He chucks the quarter at me. I giggle, muting the t.v. as he stalks towards the door. Rushing to the kitchen, I grab plates and forks.

"Honestly, I don't understand how this keeps happening!" He blubbered. "It doesn't make sense."

He came back with the boxes of food, sulking. We sat side by side. I shot him a smug look as I tucked the quarter back into my pocket.

"How many is that now?"


He grumbles softly.


"I swear, you're going to get the part! You're the best guy for it!" I shove Brock's shoulder as we eagerly wait outside of the drama room.

"Not that I'll enjoy it if I do."

"Bullcrap! Coin toss." I put my hands on my hips as he digs out a coin.

I watch it twist in the air before he grabs it and flips it onto his hand.

He looks up at me, and I already know what it is. A smile cracks my face and I reach out for the coin.

He slaps it into my hand just as our teacher hangs the list on the door.

I make my way over to look at the list with Brock, holding onto the coin.


"See... what'd I say? Leave it up to fate Brock."

"I... don't believe it." He turns to me. "How many is that now?"

"572. I don't think my streak is going to break."


"Heads says they're out of strawberries." I say as we stand in line to get smoothies.

"Don't spite me."

I giggle. Flipping the coin, I glance at it. He does too, scowling. "I reaaally hope that's not true."

"Hello, what can I get for you today?" The cashier asked.

We step up to order. "Hi, may I please get a mango and a strawberry smoothie please?"

"Ooh, sorry, we've just run out of strawberries."

Brock looked betrayed. "(yn)!"

He ordered something else. "Let me pay."

"No," I slammed dollars on the table.

"You've already paid me over 150 dollars in quarters."

We get our smoothies and make it over to a table. I sit across from him, noticing his look. "He, don't frown."

"I'm not."

I poke his face. "Stop sulking. Maybe fate is just on my side."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, you're just lucky."

"Face it, I'm a god." I joke rolling the quarter in my hand. "This make 625 quarters, by the way."



We sat in an empty classroom avoiding other people at lunch just like always.

The fire alarm started going off.

I shove the rest of my sandwich in my mouth. "I bet it's just another drill or something."

Moo rolls his eyes. "Yeah right. Flip for it."

He flipped the coin towards me. I grab it, and lay it on my hand.

I froze.

Suddenly, over the intercom, a concerned voice came through shrill. "This is not a drill! There is an armed hostile in the building right now. Evacuate as quick and as quietly as possible! I repeat, Jonathan Dennis is believed to be armed and-"

"Hey hoochie, what do you think you're doing?"


Some alarming shots went off over the com before it went silent.

My heart was thumping in my chest. Our classroom was too far from an escape that wouldn't cross his path by the office.

"(yn). Come on!" Brock grabbed my arm to pull me away.

I stopped, pulling back. "It was tails."

He stopped, too, looking back at me.


I showed him my hand, where it still lay.

"We won't make it. Our classroom is in direct line with the office. We'll be seen."

He cursed. "Okay, come on." He tried one of the windows, but I knew that wouldn't work. They were made to be indestructible

"Under the desk... we need to hide. Made the room appear empty."

Brock nodded, and climbed under the desk. "Come on (y/n)."

Just as I was about to climb below and try to hide, the door crashed open. I flinched hard, gasping. The coin drops from my hand.

Jonathan walks in, a big gun in his hand.

His eyes scan the room, and land on me, raising his gun.

"Wait," I say slowly, standing up. "I'm like you."

He just steps further into the room.

"I'm alone. I'm made fun of. I-I'm misunderstood. Jonathan..."

"It's Delirious."


He lowers the gun, glares at me. In his eyes, emotions brew dangerously. "I'm coming back for you. We're leaving this place together. I'm sparing you because you were the only one to ever be nice to me."

He steps out.

My body sags with weight, and I drop to the ground. Tears rush past my eyelashes.

Something glints near my hands. I shake with relief.

The coin is heads up.

Grabbing it with shaky fingers, I slowly crawl towards the desk.

Brock has tears running down his face. "Come here," He mumbles softly. He pulls me into his lap, and we are perfectly curled up in the space under the desk. I'm clutching the coin tightly with shaking hands. The 1,000nth coin.

"It was heads."

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