20)[Scott] Forgotten Words

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I could feel myself wake up. It was like I was being tugged out of a haze.With my eyes still closed, I could tell this was not my apartment. The air was crisp, with a thicker smell, and shifted different as if the room was more open. And the comfort I was curled up in was too thin to be my bed, too large to be my couch.

Fluttering my eyes open against the offending light, I recognized that this was not, in fact, my apartment, but rather my best friend's living room, perched on his couch. Standing, I stretch my muscles and hear the sick pops from my spine as a pain burned in my brain. Looking down at myself, I realized I was not in my clothes either. I was in a t shirt and basketball shorts that I did not recognize.

Actually, they look a lot like...

"Mornin," I hear a gruff slur. I turn to see Scotty, hair wild and wearing a similar shirt and shorts as me. He wanders through the room and towards the kitchen.

I follow numbly, scratching my head. It was like I couldn't think straight. I couldn't remember anything about last night. It was all just like a dream that was floating out of my reach.

I really like you...

Shaking away the thought, I watch as he pulls down a cup and fills it with water before handing it to me, depositing two white pills into my hand.

I mumble a thanks before taking it and gulping the cool liquid down quickly.

He nods before turning towards the fridge.

My memory was hazy and I couldn't remember last night.

A smell made my stomach turn as I realized Scotty was reheating bacon.

He made his way over to the lone table with two chairs. He expectantly patted the table, calling me over.

With a twisted frown I slowly wander over.

He ate silently while I sipped on my water.

"So." I finally spoke. "What happened last night?"

He shrugged. "You got an Uber to my house and were drunk off your ass last night. That's about as much as I know."

I forced myself to think...

"Oh! I was at Kelly's bachelorette party last night."

"Ahh, that makes sense." Scotty mumbled around his piece of bacon.

I reached a hand over and stole a single piece of bacon. "Did we do anything last night?"

"I mean..." he started quietly.

"What?" His response confused me.

"It's nothing. Really."

My mind went to the worst place. I looked at him with a gasp, choking on my spit. "Did we...?"

"What?" his face morphed as he realized what I was thinking. "No, NO! God no." He started laughing hysterically. His face turned red as he came close to choking on his food.

"No? Then what did we do?"

He just gave me a look, smirking. "We played an aggressive game of Monopoly last night."

"We...played monopoly?" How the hell do I respond to this?

"Yeah." He spoke. "We played monopoly, and things got heated. You said some really weird things."

I pulled my eyebrows together. "Oh? Like what?"

At this he smirked. Instead of answering, he just ate another piece of bacon.

"Ugh." I threw my hands up, and then quickly grabbed his plate, running back towards the kitchen with it.

"Hey!" he quickly followed me, trying to keep up.

I stood on one side of the counter, smashing bacon into my mouth. "MMM Is sooo good." I mumbled.

He came bounding around the counter, and wrapped his arm around me, pinning me to the counter by pressing against me, prying the plate from my hands and raising it up above my head.

I giggled, quickly swallowing the food. He ate the last few pieces. He then decided to press into me more, placing the plate behind me on the counter.

I looked up towards his face, my breath catching in my throat.

He looked down at me, holding my gaze.

His hands moved, and I felt the warmth against my skin. One hand slid from my cheek to the back of my head, tangling in my hair, and the other gripped near my waist before wrapping around my lower back.

Before i could respond, I was pulled close, my breath escaping my lungs.

I leaned into him, my face tucking into his neck as he hugged me close.

I felt his warm breath on my neck, sending tingles through my whole body as he whispered into my skin. "And if it means anything, I really like you too."


There's more on the way, promise! I just spent the last month and a half in the hospital. Health issues. But do not worry. I started typing again today~ c:

BBS x Reader Oneshots!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang